[quote=The Jest] Well, I was hoping to generally...not post here to work on the RP itself. That way my next post would be the OOC. But I suppose an Update is needed.What Drakel said is true, and I apologize for the mess that comes from it. I won't comment on it any further then that.In regards of the RP, I am humbly sorry about how long it's taking. I know it's ridiculous how long this has been at this point. I have no excuse, nor will I blame anyone who lost interest from how long this is taking. It's my responsibility as GM, and therefore my fault.But with that said, it is almost done. I play my cards right and I should get it posted by the first or second of October. [/quote] It's understandable to have taken this long considering the complications that were provided. And in all honesty, I do not blame you for this waiting. I blame misunderstanding more than anything. Drakel misunderstood your intentions, and you attempted to correct yourself who was not actually incorrect to ensure everyone was happy. If people do blame you, then they should be more forgiving anyway. But now, as far as I know, there's no complications, so simply try to be finished soon enough and I'm sure we'll all be happy with your efforts up until this point. (note: In no way am I attempting to put blame on Drakel either, once again, entirely due to misunderstanding, neither party is, in my opinion, at fault)