Anon read over this new text from Jack and put his phone away. In about forty minutes he'd leave, but he was tired. He turned off the TV and put away his banana. He walked upstairs, took off his jacket/mask, hopped on his bed, and fell asleep. Sleeping was good for his power because it replenished his energy, and he knew he'd need to have full0energy for whatever was about to happen. He drifted off to sleep and dreamt about absolutely nothing. He woke up forty minutes later when his alarm when off, and he yawned, stretched, put his jacket/mask back on, put his knife in his knife slot, and put his phone in his jean's pocket. He teleported up to the roof and ran across them, going in the direction of the police station where Caro was being held. He got there after about ten minutes and stood on the roof of the police station and took his phone out, sending a text to Jack: [i]"You there? I'm on the roof, ready for everything."[/i] He slips the phone back into his pocket and teleports to the ground and leans against the side of the police station.