Despite sticking to the shadows and avoiding sunlight like the plague, vampires have become a pretty heavy threat in Japan. About a month ago, the vampires of Japan came out and said they were going to take control over the humans and turn Japan into a land of eternal night; a paradise for the nocturnal blood-suckers. Of course they expected resistance; it'd be weird if the humans didn't fight back. What the vampires weren't expecting, however, was that it would be really freakin' good resistance. They very last thing they expected was for a specialized sect of vampire hunters to emerge almost immediately after the announcement of their imminent takeover. Now, a month later, vampires have been almost completely eradicated from Japan. Not even the night is safe anymore, thanks to these Black Sword hunters. They carry silver katanas, UV-ray bullets, and smoke bombs that release a garlic-based powder. They are the walking epitomes of everything that can kill a vampire, and when the sun comes down, they come up to hunt, pursue, and eliminate every last vampire. Now you're probably thinking this is an RP about finishing the job. Wrong. This is a horror-survival RP where, instead of humans fearing the threat of vampires, it's the exact opposite. During the day, if you can't hide from the sun, you'll burn to death on the spot. A place to hide is necessary, and staying alert is key, for there are some Black Swords who strike during daytime hours as well. At night, it's time to hunt, while avoiding being hunted yourself. If you don't drink blood for three days, you'll shrivel up and die. In an out-of-the-way little town somewhere near Kyoto, the last of the vampires have gathered. There are no Black Swords here, so this town is a place we can call safe... For now. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Below are the rules and CS template. I'm keeping this OP short, quick, and to the point. [hider=Rules][b]I:[/b] As GM, my word is law. [b]II:[/b] Killing humans is only natural, but try not to go overboard. The more obvious you become, the sooner the Black Swords find out where you are, and then it's dying time. [b]III:[/b] Just because you're a vampire doesn't mean you're immortal. The sun, silver, wooden stakes through the heart, garlic, and other vampiric weaknesses all affect you. [b]IV:[/b] Sparkling is completely, totally, and absolutely indisputably forbidden. Violators shall be incinerated on sight. [b]V:[/b] No speed-posting. [b]VI:[/b] Don't take too long, either. If you're going to be away for a while (let's say 5+ days) please notify me. If you're quitting the RP, [i]say so[/i]. [b]VII:[/b] As GM, I hereby proclaim that roman numerals are the fanciest, most vampire-esque way to enumerate a list. [b]VIII:[/b] Rules are subject to be added, changed, or removed at my discretion. I will never do these things without notifying you.[/hider] [hider=CS](Put an image here) [b]Name:[/b] [b]Physical Age:[/b] [b]Actual Age:[/b] [b]Personality:[/b] [b]Bio:[/b] [b]Skills:[/b] [b]Anything Else:[/b] [/hider] [hider=Accepted Characters][url=]Chiyo Shizune[/url] - TheWindel [url=]Hisako Saito & Priscilla the Ancient[/url] - UnendingEmpire [url=]Kuro Nakatomi[/url] - Thorny Rose [url=]Greyson Moore[/url] - Mach2 [url=]Krov Piyavki[/url] - KaijuBaragon [url=]Karina Silvers[/url] - Diminuendo [url=]Abomination Hybrid Prototype #687 "Fina"[/url] - UnendingEmpire[/hider] ------------------------------ [b][u]MORE ABOUT VAMPIRES[/u][/b] [hider=Vampiric Powers]As a vampire, you boast several powers lesser beings couldn't even dream of holding. Listed below are the mighty abilities you can access. But take note that some powers are only available to vampires who have had some time to grow in age and - by effect - power. [B]NOTE:[/B] All time-based measures of when vampiric abilities develop are based on the average of all vampires who have existed. These are not concrete, and may vary. [b]Vampiric Fangs:[/b] Show us those pearly whites! The vampire's basest ability is the power to extend or retract a pair of razor-sharp fangs that rest just above the canines. These are capable of ripping through flesh, enabling you to drink blood from whatever you bite. [b]Agelessness:[/b] It's good to be young. As a vampire, you don't age. For vampires who have been around for a couple decades or longer, not drinking blood can "age" you, mainly by means of your body drying out and you generally beginning to look like a 200-year-old version of yourself. Drink blood regularly to stay young and beautiful. [b]Vampiric Attributes:[/b] As a vampire, you are superior to humans in every way. You're stronger, faster, tougher, and have sharper senses than those walking blood bags. Not drinking blood can decrease these attributes; going two days without drinking will put you at the level of a normal human, which is damn pitiful for a vampire. Since you're also dead, diseases and poisons have no effect on you. [b]Regeneration:[/b] Time heals any wound. As a vampire, you can regenerate at incredible speeds. If you were to lose a limb, you would probably grow the whole thing back after a week. Drinking blood rapidly increases your regeneration speed during the drink itself. The current record for fastest regeneration goes to 14th-century Russian, Mikael Blorveski, who regenerated four limbs and the lower half of his torso in six hours, completely draining twenty humans in the process. [b]Bat Form:[/b] After six months, a vampire will gain the ability to turn into a bat. This is handy for getting from A to B with relative sneakiness, reaching hard-to-reach places, and scaring the hell out of people by swooping down right in front of them. After five-hundred years, the vampire develops the power to turn into an entire swarm of bats, or even grow massive bat wings from their backs in their normal form. [b]Mist Form:[/b] After five years, a vampire gains the power to turn into a cloud of mist. Elusive as the mist form may be, the entire cloud needs to be together to revert to your normal form. As a result, capturing part of the mist in, say, a bottle or something, is basically fatal to a vampire in their mist form. Windy nights are also a problem. [b]Hypnosis:[/b] After ten years or so, a vampire becomes able to hypnotize humans and animals, but only if they're not aware that you're doing this. A hypnotized human or animal will do your bidding for a time, but can only do lesser things. After a hundred years or so, this evolves into full-blown mind control, but it only works on one thing at a time. Vampires are immune to this ability entirely, in both its lesser and greater forms. [b]Necromancy:[/b] After two centuries have passed, a vampire becomes able to raise the corpse of somebody he or she has recently drained of [i]all[/i] their blood. The corpse won't last long, but it's something. After hitting the thousand-year mark, a vampire's necromantic ability amplifies greatly, enabling them to raise more and more corpses, as well as preserve them better.[/hider] [hider=Vampire Society]Vampires are a species that values power when determining a hierarchy. Due to the fact that vampires grow more powerful as they get older, this effectively means that the oldest vampire in a group will commonly be the most respected one, and will be assigned as a leader. In the year 1534BC, Namtar the First created a system that determined a vampire's rank depending on their age, as well as creating the Ten Ancients. The system created by Namtar the First, as well as other information about being a vampire, was published in 1946 in a rare book entitled "The Vampire Code", which many vampires own for reference. Its sales are kept secluded to prevent hunters from finding it. [b]Fledgling:[/b] A fledgling vampire is classified as "A vampire who has lived less than 100 years." In global vampire society, the words of fledglings rarely - if ever - hold any weight to the older vampires, and they're usually the first ones sacrificed in a battle that will require loss of soldiers. They're basically seen as not being equal to older vampires, and in some cases fledglings are even enslaved by older vampires. For a fledgling to stop being seen as a fledgling, they are required to pass a trial that they may take at 100 years of age. This trial is to kill a vampire hunter, which naturally means the fledgling population will increase if these Black Sword hunters ever go global. Not taking this trial will mean continuing to be deemed a fledgling. [b]Lesser Vampire:[/b] A lesser vampire is a vampire ranging from 100-500 years of age that has passed the trial of killing a vampire hunter. Politically, they're only recognized when all of them agree on a matter, and socially, they're only treated as equals because they're no longer fledglings. With the average lifespan of a vampire being some 1,000 years, lesser vampires are still seen as young and inexperienced. [b]Greater Vampire:[/b] A greater vampire has exceeded the 500-year mark. They are to be respected by lesser vampires and fledglings, because they've passed the halfway mark of the average vampire's lifespan. By this point in time, the powers of a vampire have almost fully developed too, so a mid-range greater vampire could wipe the floor with a mid-range lesser vampire if needed. It's beginning at this point that enslavement of fledglings is allowed, the number of slaves growing in proportion to your age. [b]Elder Vampire:[/b] An elder vampire has reached 1,500 years of age, greatly exceeding the typical life of a vampire. Politically, they're often considered as lords of the general area they live in, and lower-ranked vampires are expected to listen and respect what they say. It's also at this point that a vampire is eligible to become one of the Ten Ancients, though it's rare for a vampire to become an Ancient with less than 1,700 years under his/her belt. [b]Ten Ancients:[/b] The ten oldest vampires in existence, and by effect, the ten most powerful of all. The Ancients seldom involve themselves in the matters of the world, but when they do, everybody else better shut the fuck up and do what they say. They primarily are categorized in this way so that if a situation becomes dire, an Ancient can be called upon depending on their rank and the severity of the incident. The levels of such incidents range from one to ten, with one being the most severe. An index to determine the level of an incident is also written down in The Vampire Code. To date, there have only been four incidents greater than Level Five, and only one that has been ranked at Level Two. The threat of vampire extinction in Japan has been rated as a Level Three incident, and as a result, Priscilla the Ancient - ranked Number Three among the Ancients - has been summoned. [b]Namtar the First:[/b] Known as the godfather of vampire society, Namtar is by far the oldest vampire in the world. His exact age is unknown, but even Number Two of the ancients - Bel of Babylon - is a mere child next to Namtar. He wrote the code that determines a vampire's standing in society, and is revered by those who know of him as something resembling a demigod. An Ancient typically enters a deep sleep until they are needed. In Namtar's case, after writing the codes of vampire society in 1,534BC, he entered a slumber that has remained yet-undisturbed.[/hider] [hider=Vampire Hunters]To be posted[/hider]