May do it in the form of a spamfic. Or not. In either case, likely going to be putting it up here for you guys to look at regardless. What is the exercise? Going to try to write some each day. And not even just about something that excites me. I've got no drive, no intense passion to write anything. I feel like I've hit a wall even, including with regards to RPs I'm in / running. So, I'm going to just... force myself to write, while also having to follow fours rules to counteract four things I feel I do that are largely responsible for my dead muses Rule 1- I can't plan more than a 'chapter' ahead. I often get too involved in my plots that I don't write story, I just create bullshit that I'll have to write later. So, I'm going to try to limit that. Rule 2- I can't write long chapters Not sure if related, but I feel my chapters are too long, and while I don't really have a problem of content vs length, like... it's not too prosy. But I want it to be easier to digest for anyone who decides to read it (See: hopefully some of you lot) Rule 3- I can't delete more than a paragraph at a time I have this issue where in the first draft, if I'm not satisfied, I'll delete sometimes even several pages, and rewrite it. Again. And again. For what still is only 'first draft' quality stuff. So, not allowed to do that too much either. Rule 4- Unless I'm too physically sick to write, I've got to write at least some every day. The big one. Even if I'm not in the mood, I'm going to force myself to keep writing and just grind my fingers against the writer's block. So this means if I'm healthy enough to kid around in Minecraft or talk on Skype? I'm healthy enough to write. And that's it. I don't know what I'm going to produce. I don't promise it's going to be good or fun or long. I don't promise shit. I'm probably not going to do this for very long. Maybe a month if we're lucky, more likely I'll be done in a week. But I want to see how far I can push this effort. Who knows, maybe it'll be good for me. So yeah. Please be excited for what will inevitably be a let down for us all. Woo.