Ty-Lee ordered wine mainly and drank it down for she jsut wanted to forget the match she was in against the Lizard Crows. She also got some tradition Earth Nation food for she she did miss Ba-sing-sa it was her first home. But it also had the memories of her mother, that was the main rason why her father wanted to move here and join the council. She sighed as she ater her food and drank her wine, and was glad she was not a light weight when it comes to alcohol. She looked over once in a while at the Lizard Crow team and just glared for she never had friends because of her spoiled attitude due to her father giving hermoney jsut to get him to leave him alone. Ty-Lee got another round of wine and sipped it before pulling her wallet out and paying for her stuff before she headed out. Once she was done with her wine she got up and left the resturant. "Man what a lame night I can not wait to get home to my personal zoo full of my pets." She siad for that is where she spent most of her time when she was not pro-bending. AS she walked down the street she saw Kaz helping his drunk team mate and nly shook her head. "That is what you get for letting a child drink." She said while she kept walking and soon saw something move under some trash and she tilted er head. "Huh now what do we have here?" Ty-Lee siad as she bent down and moved the trash to find a little female fire farret. "Why hello there what are you doing out here all alone." She said and picked the little one up. "Hmm no collor or anyhting saying you belong to someone." She said as she looked over the little fire fareet and figgured it was barely weened off its mother. "Poor thing come on you are coming home with me." Ty-lee siad with a soft smile as she took coten wrap she used when it got cold and wrapped it around the fire farret. She then made her way down the street again. "Hmm now what should I name you for I know father will let me keep you." Ty-Lee smiled as the little farret curled up in the wrap. She then crossed the street that was the same side Kaz was on and kept walking thinking up names for her new little friend.