[b]Name:[/b] Konstantyn Borzeki [b]Nickname/Alias/Etc:[/b] N/A [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 15 [b]Height:[/b] 5'6" [b]Weight:[/b] 143 lbs [b]Status:[/b] New Student [u]Appearance[/u] [b]Hair Color:[/b] Black [b]Eye Color:[/b] Brown [b]Ethnicity:[/b] Polish (White) [b]Physical Appearance:[/b] Konstantyn's appearance, unlike many other meta-humans, is little out of the ordinary. His skin is white with a greyish tinge to it. His face, despite the dull skin tone, is often radiating with confidence. He usually has some amount of stubble across his cheeks, chin, and upper lip, though it never grows beyond a 5-o'clock shadow. His hair is short and neat, with a small widow's peak just at the top of his forehead. He is by no means a big person, but he is slightly bulky around the forearms and legs. In contrast, he is less massive in the body and shoulders, but not too noticeably. Additionally, two large scars lie on the upper-portion of his arm from a car accident, and he is missing a pinky toe as a result of a birth defect. Neither of these anomalies are related to, give additional strength, nor take away from his abilities. [b]Attire:[/b] Konstantyn adorns a grey button-up shirt with red horizontal stripes, khaki pants with black suspenders, and a dull, worn-out pair of black sneakers. He also likes to wear a small Polandball pin wherever he goes. [u]Personality[/u] [b]Outward & Innate Personality:[/b] He is a friendly character, but will not hesitate to defend himself in the face of those who'd mock him, his parents, or his home country. Despite an incomplete understanding of the English, Konstantyn can hold a lengthy conversation with his American peers. In these discussions, he can be very revealing about his personality, in that he is a man (erm, teen) who enjoys having fun. Family is his primary concern to him, and the lengthy distance from his brothers, sisters, and mother in the slums of NYC no doubt makes him anxious and homesick at times. When fighting, he will use his cunning, but often times he finds himself too "in the moment" to think clearly. Even with a difference in nationality--and, as a result of that, culture--he will still make his best attempts to get along well with his American peers. In the face of a challenge, Konstantyn will gladly take on whatever stands in his way. He tends to be as polite as he can, but can get jovial and loud after a while. But behind this mask of a jolly Polish teen, Konstantyn still remembers his impoverished childhood, and will try anything he can to put his past behind him. As a result, he feels a sense of kinship towards others who have also had a life of poverty, but--knowing how difficult memories of financial instability can be to deal with--he will not try to make it the focus of conversation. [b]Hobbies/Interests:[/b] As a newcomer to the Western hemisphere, Konstantyn spends a lot of time reading English books to improve his secondary vocabulary. But, of course, this doesn't particularly interest him; as a matter-of-fact, he'd much rather be doing any sort of activities outside. He he has a musical taste for both Polish music and 60's rock from the West. [b]Skills/Talents:[/b] Konstantyn can breakdance. He can also, obviously, speak Polish. [b]Prized Possession:[/b] The letters he receives from his family. [b]Quote(s):[/b] "[i]Individually, we are but weak little twigs. However, when we work together, we become--as you Americans say--a mighty faggot.[/i]" "[i]Hey, look at this word! Ce-pha-li-za-tion! It is funny to me.[/i]" [b]History/Bio:[/b] Born in one of the many poor suburbs of Krakow, Konstantyn Borzeki lived a life of rough labour and struggling. The Polish boy and his family desired to move West to New York City, where they might make a better living than in their European slums. For 8 years, Konstantyn and his family worked hard to earn the money to move to the New World; however, just when things looked to be in their reach, a horrible car accident happened, killing his father and terrible injuring his brother's arm, which later had to be amputated. Luckily for the young meta-human, Konstantyn himself only got two cuts just below his right shoulder. Regardless, this crippled the income for the family. Many a night now had to be spent without dinner just so that they could continue to save up for their escape to a better life. Just when things looked grim and hopeless for Matka Borzeki and her children, Konstantyn discovered that he could "focus" light in front of him; using this "magic", he began to use this to make even more money for the family to leave for America. The financial enterprise did not work for long when others wished to see more of this mysterious power, leaving the boy unable to produce anything else over the course of 3 years. Still, it did provide enough for the family to make just barely enough to catch a trip overseas to NYC. Their dream was now a possibility! They could finally go to America, the land of opportunity! After arriving in Manhattan, the family settled in a new slum, but within merely 3 days time Matka Borzeki acquired a well-paying job, enough for her to pay the expenses of her single-parent family [i]and[/i] eat and rest as she needed! However, before she could enroll all three of her children to a public school, Matka Borzeki received a letter, inviting one Konstantyn Borzeki to attend the meta-human Academy program in a distant on-campus school (at the time unspecified). Apparently, word of the boy with "solid light" spread across the slums of Krakow to an Academy secretary (not from 218, of course) who, by chance, was visiting relatives in Poland. Hearing this tale, the bureaucrat investigated the rumor and discovered a little impoverished boy and his family heading off to America, the boy in question now who could now not only focus even more light together into a larger, curved wall, but could also create strange black "tears" in the void of space. At the recommendation of the secretary, the institution sent an invitation for Konstantyn. This was a perfect opportunity for the Polish family: send Konstantyn to receive a regular education and a way to harness his powers, all at no expense to the family, which would make the Borzeki income rise greatly, and therefore allow for the three other children to enroll in a better school! So, of course, the Borzeki teen accepted the invitation, and was soon sent away to a mysterious academy on top of an artificial island far from both of his homes.... [b]Family:[/b] Matka (mother) Borzeki, and his siblings Aleksandra, Kamir, and Justyn. [u]Relationships[/u] [b]Relationships:[/b] [Pending] [u]Abilities[/u] [b]Power Class:[/b] Celestial Class, Level 5; Spatial Class, Level 4 [b]Power:[/b] [i][u]Solar Shield:[/u][/i] Konstantyn is capable of drawing sunlight together to form a window-like wall as a shield. At present, it can only stretch to about 6 feet in height and 4 feet in width, providing just enough cover for the Pole alone. It is not an immobile object; Konstantyn can make the shield float and move around if necessary. It is of course called a "solar shield" for a reason: the more sunlight there is in an area, the stronger the shield can be. If shattered, the shield's remains will stay solid, and act like glass; as such, Konstantyn can pick up any piece and use it like a knife. [i][u]Trail of the Void:[/u][/i] He can also create a black-coloured "tear" in the fabric of space that anybody can pass through. Another "tear" is created elsewhere in the process, connected to the one Konstantyn initially created. He can jump through the initial tear and, after a few seconds of flying through the void, come out of the other end. [b]Weaknesses/Limitations/Drawbacks:[/b] Firstly, he can only create one shield at a time; he can create another after the first is shattered. While Konstantyn is capable of drawing sunlight to form a shield, he cannot draw light from anything else; lamps, fire, even other distant stars cannot provide sufficient light for him to make anything meaningful. As mentioned above, his shield is not impregnable; it can be broken into glass-like shards. The consequence of this is that usually the glass-light will go flying back at Konstantyn with whatever force broke the shield, providing additional damage to him. If he does choose to use a glass-light shard as a weapon, he will almost certainly receive cuts from it's use. Another thing mentioned above is that the more sunlight there is, the stronger the shield gets. The opposite also holds true; if the sunlight is blocked in any way (i.e. by clouds, an eclipse, or the process of sunset/sunrise), then the shield's power is drastically weakened. As for his "tears", there are also numerous problems involved with them. First of all, they are short range creations; the furthest exit tear can be no more than 50 metres away. He has no control over where the exits are created (but can control where the entrance is made, though again this is limited to a 50-metre radius). The inside of the void acts as empty space; thus, if he is unprotected while travelling through the tears, his body will react as a body would if it where in orbit above Earth. He has no control over the internal distance of the tears, which usually takes from 5-15 seconds to travel through. If he continuously travels through the void, he will grow more and more weary and nauseous, thus making repeated void travel even more dangerous. The effects of void travel last for about 10 minutes after each use. [b]Other:[/b] N/A