There was one student who stood out amongst the students on the airship simply because of their appearance. It wasn’t possible to tell their gender because of the powered armor that clad their entire body. The white and black colored armor plates along with the blue glow that emanated from the chest piece and helmet were reminiscent of the Atlesian military, but the armor’s design was nothing like the standard fare worn by infantry, looking a great deal more advanced. A gentle hum filled the air around this student, no doubt the result of the Dust core that powered the entire suit. Its wearer had done little during the flight so far, preferring to lean back into the cushioned seat and swing its one-eyed gaze around the room occasionally. If there was something else unusual about the student, if the individual even was one, it would be the small locker that had been set down beside him. It looked to be a smaller version of the weapon lockers found in a variety of places, complete with a whole myriad of security measures. A fairly unusual piece of luggage to carry around given how Hunters’ weapons could generally be folded and shrunk down into something more easily carried. It had been brought onboard the student’s back, likely attached through magnetism before being set down and left untouched so far. All in all, while there wasn’t an intimidating presence to the individual, the sheer oddness kept most others away so far. Frankly, Oren didn’t really have a problem with being left alone. It was pleasant, and if he had managed to fall asleep then things would have been perfect. Unfortunately, his habits simply didn’t allow for him to nod off during the day and he had yet to beat that conditioning out. Thus he had passed the time looking at things he had already seen many times over and meeting the curious looks of other students. It was about as expected that this would happen, after all that was the point of having him wear the armor to Beacon in the first place. Reluctantly, he had agreed to don the suit for his journey to the school for Hunters after some coaxing from his father and command. Something about how it would represent the Atlesian military and do them proud to have one of their own joining such a prestigious Academy. He didn’t really feel the same way, but nonetheless agreed; in the end it was a small thing. Finally deciding to do something aside from just sit around, Oren stood from his seat in a smooth and silent motion. The core brightened for a moment as power fed into systems that had gone into standby before regulating itself once more. Glancing about slowly, with a shrug he picked a random direction to head off in. In all likelihood there wasn’t much to see that he hadn’t already seen before, so where he explored didn’t matter to Oren. It was simply something to do rather than sit around in same room until arrival at Beacon. The locker was left behind. He doubt anyone would try to break into such a thing in the open and even if they did… well, military grade protection.