Press stared out the window as the ship moved through the air. To any onlooker it would seem like he was merely admiring the landscape, but he was really lost in thought, and there were plenty of thoughts to keep him in that state. His inventions, his transfer to Beacon, his future, the list was endless. He was embarking on perhaps the greatest adventure in his life, and Press couldn't help but smile. After his multiple mistakes and failures in Haven, he managed to turn that all around and pass his classes with flying colors. Now he was joining one of the greatest Hunter training academies in the world, if not the greatest. But enough about the past. He turned to look at the others, some of whom were busy chatting to their friends and what not. There was one person who was wearing a fantastic suit of armor, and Press made a mental note to study it later. He sighed, taking it all in, chuckling at a girl's exclamation of a robot on the ship, and examined the rest of everyone's weapons. Some were quite interesting, while others were mundane, but Press examined each one with keen interest. He compared them to his arms, wondering how he could use some ideas to improve his arms, and absentmindedly flexed the fingers on his right hand.