Tried to work on this bio, ended up listening to [url=]Foreground Eclipse[/url] while watching that Witch Craft Works gif. Also, as a side note, this character was first thought up for an RP inspired by Index/Railgun. But I had no idea memory loss was a part of said series until I actually watched it. So yeah. [hider=Guess her nickname] Name: Beatrix Alexandria Katherine Avalon Age: 13 Sex: Female Height/Weight: Honestly have no idea Appearance: [url=]"Are you in awe of my vast talents, simpleton?"[/url] Classification: Esper Ability: Mind Regulator - The power to erase memories. At its current level, Beatrix can only affect herself. Said memories have a possibility of returning with outside help. At higher levels, she can affect other people, and even specific memories... though I can't see that scenario ever happening. Power Level: 1 Notable Talents or Skills: She possesses a natural talent for the violin. And due to her lifestyle, has become an incredibly adept gamer, as well as learn the best way to remain immobile for a full thirty hours. Beyond this, she's pretty useless. Affiliation: N/A Occupation: Student Personality: An overly-arrogant and self-centred person who believes the world revolves around her, Beatrix expects everyone to bow at her feet whenever she passes by, demands that they follow her every command, and will not abide refusal of her whims. So, in short, very immature. Believing herself to be the pinnacle of cuteness and intelligence, Beatrix will not stand for anyone believing otherwise, and will constantly belittle any who challenge her opinion... and after she is thoroughly proven wrong and humiliated, will simply wipe the whole traumatic event from her memory, thus allowing her to keep her totally-correct opinion in its pure, untainted form. Despite her less-than-pleasant personality, Beatrix [i]does[/i] feel quite lonely, and simply has no idea why not one would even want to be around her. She just genuinely believes she is inherently superior to everyone else, and even she can feel guilty if someone else is very visibly upset by her words. Not that she'd be willing to admit such a thing, Biography: Hailing from an incredibly rich and affluent family, Beatrix had been raised to believe that she was pretty much the perfect human. This probably would've been highly accurate if she weren't prone to forgetfulness even without her ability, or if she knew how to socialise... or if she was basically not Beatrix. Having been raised by parents that had grown arrogant from the success of their business, Beatrix lived a luxurious, yet lonely life. Driving others away with the beliefs she had been taught, she ended up absorbed in the worlds of anime and games, and even treats her stuffed animals like inseparable friends quite a lot. This habit certainly hasn't changed since she moved to Academy City, where she even forgets the true rank of her ability just to feel more secure and empowered. [/hider]