Before the other Digimon could answer panic erupted among the Tanemon, as they quickly buried themselves underground.Curious as what was going on Lorre flew up high in the air and spotted the Digimon army in the distance. Knowing he had to warn Danny he immediately headed down again. "There is a large group of Digimon headed this way, I think Jehu and his partner are slowing them down for now, but we gotta hide." As soon as he finished his report, the bird Digimon headed for a large tree. Danny began looking for a good hiding spot but being larger than the Tanemon and incapable of climbing trees didn't find any. Loromon noticed his partners lack of success and decided to join him."Well if you can't hide neither will I." Danny was touched by Lorre's action and thought of wat to do next."*Since we can't hide,we'll have to fight.That said where are Killian and Jehu right now?*" Understanding what Danny meant Lorre headed in the direction of the two that doing what they could. "Follow me" After a while Danny could see the attacking Digimon in the distance, and was surprised there were much of them then he expected. Lorre at te same time saw their friends surrounded and flew of in their direction as fast as he could leaving Danny behind a bit. Loree knew he would be no match for the machine Digimon in a fight, so instead focused on creating as much confusion as he could. He began flapping his wings much faster and using Fluffy Feather sent a lot of pure white feathers downwards, in an attempt to blind as much of them as possible.However doing this left him wide open and one of the Commandramon in the back managed to hit him with M16 Assassin, which sent the Bird Digimon spiraling down.