Lupus ran to the railing Clutching his mouth. past the broken bench which the annoying singing girl had broken. Past another guy at the railing talking to himself. as he sickeningly hurled up his breakfast, he had tried concealing his velocity on a airship and caused motion sickness... why did he always have to think and do the most stupidest of things. he Hurled again... before wiping his mouth with his sleeve, how embarrassing. Lupus clutched his head his hat was still on, Thank god. he noticed the other boy at the railing. who had just left. Lupus. Curious as he was Followed the Guy. the first thing he noticed about the guy was the fact he wore a green Hoodie. Lupus shrugged to himself. The guy sat all alone, drinking, Lupus sniffed the air, Coffee. Lupus, stomach kicked him. he hadn't eaten this morning so he was starving. with a Rampaging stomach. Lupus sat next to the guy. Lupus sat next to the guy not out of pity for him but out of self pity. because even if the guy turned and threw him across the room at least he had company. Lupus let out a heavy sigh as Pulled out the twin swords. Gemini from its leather bindings he held the twins as one hoping to not reveal his secret weapon he flicked the air in front of him. with the sword *swish*. the sword made lupus grin a wolfish grin. as he put it back in its harness. Lupus turned to the other guy. "[i]Em Hey"[/i] Lupus said his body shivering from a unseen cold. he was nervous. this was his first try at making a friend since signal and that didn't go that well. Lupus shuddered at the memory's of the god forsaken bully's and their unholy torments