Today marked Indigo's first time [i]flying[/]. He wasn't exactly comfortable with it, but the ride is turning out to be much smoother than he anticipated. Observing his surroundings, the students him seemed to be anxious or excited for their first days at beacon. Some even seemed to be showing off their weapons to their soon to be friends... or enemies. Anyways, he tried his best not to stand out to much from the crowd and instead of standing around and walking to kill the time he preferred to sit down and perhaps enjoy or not enjoy, a few drinks as the time passes by. Eventually he reached a bar, where very few people seemed to be seated. "Are these the type of guys who needs a drink to calm themselves down? They wouldn't bother with me, right?" He thought to himself as he took a seat a bit further away from another student with brown hair drinking what seems to be coffee, who also seemed to be preoccupied with another student. "I'll take some orange juice, please." He said to the server in which the server responded with an agreeing nod as he prepares the juice for him. Few seconds passed by and cup of orange juice appeared in front of him. He grabbed the cup, which already disappointed him due to the fact it was lukewarm. "Uh, can I bother you for some ice?" He asked the server, who bent over the counter and grabbed bucket of ice cubes in which he gently dropped a few into his drink. "Thanks." He proceeds to drink from it and was dissatisfied with it. "Yep! No matter how much I drink it I still hate it, but its strangely addicting. Orange juice." As he reaches for the cup again to fetch an ice cube to suck on. He was tasked to find something here at Beacon from his father. He wondered was it to be friends, friendship, adventure, or was it to keep him out of capturing Faunus for the business. But either way, Indigo never really retaliated back at the thought of leaving his family behind. It was dull there and this might prove to be a fresh beginning into something bigger, perhaps. Although, nothing is really gonna change as of the moment, unless the technology that was keeping them flying malfunctioned. His eyes dart back and forth to the students in his vicinity, some were Faunus, which made him uncomfortable in the form of some mild guilt, but there's no way they would know what his family was now doing to their kind. The Lillemore family is only renown for capturing creatures not enslaving Faunus. He let out a heavy sigh. Letting his imagination run wild to pass the time, maybe the thing his father wanted him to search for was something he could only find during this moment. Perhaps a flying fortress of some sort that would be filled with treasure and unique designs. He sighed once more at the stupid imagination of him being tasked of finding a Laputa of some sort, but it would've been interesting if he was really tasked to do so.