Natsu falls to the ground, and as the foot comes speeding toward him, he screams out angrily [b]"FIRE DRAGON FURY!!"[/b] As his body ignites in a deep red flame, and his voices grows to something of a dragons, he puts his hands up, pushing against the metallic foot, just enough to push it off of him, he screams [b]"FIRE DRAGON CLAW!"[/b] As his feet once again ignite in flame, giving him more power, he then yells [b]"FIRE DRAGON ROAR!"[/b] staring up at the foot, pushing it even further away, And while he is expelling fire, you can somewhat hear [b]"FIRE DRAGON IRON FIST!"[/b] as his hands blow up in flames, This is incredible..Natsu has never used this much power. Suddenly, In a large explosion of Fire and Anger, Natsu is flung half way down the street, slamming into the Zombie man, sending him down the street with him, Natsu fidgets slightly, his body beaten and weak..His magical energies low, he fidgets in pain, breathing heavily, shaking from the power output he just gave.