It appeared that those who went to Beacon were quite a ways more unique that the students who had gone to Firelight. While Ashart was used to students showing off their weapons, or indulging in meaningless destruction, or impress the ladies with Daddy’s new power suit, what he wasn’t as accustom to was the sheer volume of students who appeared to be socially inept. Back in Firelight, a prestigious private school composed mainly of upper-class students, everyone was capable of holding a charmingly elegant conversation about politics or ballroom dancing, but here? The fact that one student introduced himself to another while brandishing a psycho-smile and two swords was enough to convince him that most people really didn’t understand how to approach strangers. Seated in the bar section, which was at least a little bit quieter than the commons area of the air ship, the Chimp Faunus leaned against the wooden counter, scrolling through the contacts list on his holopad. Of the people from Firelight who have chosen to go to the melting pot of Beacon, he only knew of Fir Juneau. Well, it would be nice to see her face again, catch up to things and such. Shooting her a quick text in regards to his location, he listened to the light ping that resounded as the message was sent, before storing it in his trousers. Today, the young man had opted for a simpler outfit than before. A well-tailor suit jacket with a red collared shirt and slim trousers. Beacon’s dress code was light enough for him to forgo the tie, a far cry from the enforced elegance of Firelight. While it may not have been practical for girls to fight on high heels, it was still a course back in Firelight: how to fight off Grimm and ruffians while constrained by uncomfortable clothing. An enlightening course, that was. Turning around to face the bartender, a dark-haired man in his thirties, he casually slid over his identification, complete with a false birthdate, and asked, his tone steady and assured, [b]“Bourbon on the rocks, please.”[/b] Then, someone’s water spilled over him, and, without skipping a beat, Ashart smoothly continued, [b]“Perhaps a towel as well, and a gin-and-tonic for my associate there?”[/b] The bartender looked at him for a moment, before looking back to his ID, and then shrugged, walking off to the display of fancy-looking alcohol. Seating himself down on the barstool, the Chimp Faunus, his hair and clothing drenched in some weirdishly fashionable way, remarked, [b]“Fancy meeting you here, Eurwen. As far as first impressions go, at least it’d give me something to smile about later. Why’re you going to Beacon, and not Torchwood?”[/b]