"Mm?" It took a moment for Vask to realize that she had actually responded to him, lost as he was in his own thoughts of her cutting off their conversation. "What did you...?" He began, his mind reeling with the effort to recall her words of moments before. She'd brought claws up, of that he was sure... coupled with the peculiar way she flicked her tongue in his direction he made a small gasp of understanding and nodded his head. "Certainly; some of the Faunus are born with claws, but even then the vast majority of them make use of the convenience of modern weaponry on top of their innate hunter's tools. Not to mention the fact that they make use of all the other conveniences like phones, and cars, and water treatment facilities; so nay-saying a single one of my points doesn't really make the others any less valid." He was being argumentative and brusque, but he couldn't help it. Something in his upbringing made it tough for him to back down, and something in his nature made it difficult for him to shut up. Still; she seemed not to be telling him off or wandering away, so he bit his tongue(again, quite literally) and watched as she actually got up and came closer to him. "Uh..." He said, as articulately as he could manage with her just standing there near him. "Hi." He repeated as inside his own mind a mental imag flared up of slapping himself in the forehead for his awkwardness. "I mean; Nice to meet you, I'm Vask." He rose to his feet then, his head spinning a bit from the effort commingled with his exhaustion. He reached a hand out to the idle girl, obviously offering to shake hers. "Are you some kind of snake Faunus?" He said, barreling on heedless of common courtesy and asking about her race, the curiosity taking command of his mouth.