Lore: In an old day and age, there were five kingdoms. Those five kingdoms were known as Aluxaria, Sakuya, Legal, Chaoria and Ceadia. They were once all peaceful friends with one another, they communicated and traded their goods with one another, but suddenly the Kingdom of Legel stopped all communication with all the kingdoms, and all its trades. They weren’t quite sure what happened to the kingdom, until an army of the Legel kingdom appeared at Aluxaria’s borders, with the King in front of his army, declaring war upon everyone, and launched an attack against Aluxaria. They were quick to respond to this however, and managed to hold them back before they caused any real damage.That however did not stop the Legel Kingdom, they then attempted an attack on Chaoria, but had to withdraw due to losses, and not knowing how to get through it’s mountain terrain. Legel’s war raged on for five years now, with Aluxaria, now also wanting everything, so Legel and Aluxaria, have been at each others throats for a long time, neither side gaining anything at all. After another five years of war, both Legel and Aluxaria had a temporary truce, which lasted for about three years, before they were back at each other throats. Throughout this war, the kingdom Sakuya had scouts watching the battles that raged on, feeling perfectly safe. However, Queen Zariana was scared about Prince James going outside and getting himself hurt or killed by the raging war. She kept him inside kingdom walls, and let her army stay inside the walls for protection. However, she kept trading with all the other kingdoms except Legel, as she was still at peace with them, but wasn’t sure about Legel. During the dispute between Aluxaria and Legel. King Clyde Greil remained on his own Kingdom, Ceadia, staying out of everyone’s business, he felt fairly safe from anyone attacking, as they would need quite a lot of ships to overcome his own fleet of ships. In Ceadia, the king felt as if his people should work out their own problems, if they wrecked something they should pay for it themselves. This made the kingdom grow quite wealthy over the years of the war, as Legel would pay large amounts of gold, for Ceadia’s best weapons. However he always had his fleets ready to move out incase anyone did decide to attack him. Chaoria in the middle of all the kingdoms, as one of the smallest kingdoms out of all of them. The kingdom however was still quite a mystery, as even during the peaceful times they hardly communicated with the other Kingdoms, all that is known about them, is they have mages that can raise the dead, and they use the mountains as their defense, after seeing the failed attack by Legel. You would only see small activity from Chaoria, such as trading with Ceadia, and Sakuya from time to time. The only time they ever shown hostile actions, was when Legel tried to cut through Lyre’s Kingdom to attack Aluxaria, but was forced to retreat when the dead rose from the ground and started attacking Legel’s army forcing them to retreat. Kingdom names: Aluxaria Legel Chaoria Ceadia Sakuya Royal people: Aluxaria - Queen Mabel Rutherford Sakuya - Queen Zariana Feryana, Prince James Feryana Legel Kingdom - King Edward Hawke, Prince Chase Hawke Chaoria Kingdom - Queen Lyre Flare Ceadia Kingdom - King Clyde Greil, Princess Mia Greil Legel Kingdom: This kingdom is quite the power hungry place, they feel as the world should belong to them, and they will stop at nothing to achieve this. Their Military might is one of the largest out of the five kingdoms, but due to poor planning they have yet to claim much in terms of war. Ceadia Kingdom: This kingdom is so far a peaceful kingdom, as it is far away from all the fighting, as the kingdom is surrounded, by a body of water so most people ignore trying to muster up enough ships to even attempt an attack, this kingdom however is one of the richest, as most of the other Kingdoms trade with it, The King is also quite anti-social, and rather have it’s people sort out its own problems, This kingdom’s military might is small, but they have amazing weapons, and armor. Aluxaria Kingdom: Aluxaria, a kingdom that focuses it's might mainly on magic and alchemy, and has a small army. Queen Mabel Rutherford is a queen who does not give mercy, and the kingdom itself has a hate for Legel, another kingdom. Aluxaria will launch it's attacks at Legel with no mercy, hungry for power. Sakuya Kingdom: Sakuya, a kingdom filled with magical and mythical beings. Sakuya has a medium sized army, but is a peaceful kingdom. Queen Zariana Feryana likes to give people second chances, and is cautious about what her son, Prince James Feryana, does. She often sends a guard or two to find him if he is missing, as she cares about him very much. Chaoria Kingdom: Not much is know about this place, the queen there knows about the ongoing situation, yet cares little for it. They are a magical kingdom that main focus is raising the dead, so they use the dead for their military might, so its unknown how big their army is. Currently this kingdom is Neutral, but if an army gets close to it’s borders they are known to attack. This Kingdoms is filled with many mountains so maneuvering around it is quite hard, thats why most attacks on it fail, as they don’t have the endurance for it. Rules 1) No power gaming, or meta gaming. 2) Maximum of three characters. (Except datadogie and zane. They may need extra characters.) 3) No doing anything that majorly affects the world, without Gm approval. 4) If you read the rules put 'sneak to peek' in the 'other' section of your CS. 5) No focusing everything on your character. Everyone is involved in a way. 6) Try to post three lines at most. There will be exceptions, as sometimes you can't even do that. 7) Listen to Gms and co-gms. 8) Romance is allowed, but don’t go too far, if you do go to Pm, or fade to black, as it is PG-13. 9) Any other common roleplay rules I may have missed. 10) Do not kill anyone without a GM / CO-GM’s permission. 11) Only Sakuya has mythical beings like those that can transform into a wolf or have extra limbs. 12) Have fun, and don’t argue. Co-gm Datadogie. Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: Allegiance (What kingdom you are in): Alignment (Like good, evil etc): Skills / Spells (No OP things): Key Information: Personality: Any extra features: Other: