Lupus. stopped grinning, his wolfish smile usually put people off. he forgot about that. he began fiddling with the dust vial he had Threw one up into the air. and concealed its velocity before it hit the Wooden bar table so instead of shattering it made a light *tink*. Lupus then had a thought what happened if you mixed dust colors. he stopped himself with the dust veils on the table. as he turned to respond to the guy who was scared of his smile... "oh its gen that's quite the rare name. my name is..." he paused not knowing if he should trust the guy who stared a lot finally he gave in "Lupus" he said trying to see what weapon the guy had each weapon was a extention of one's self. Lupus began to bore. weather or not to Mix the vials. he was a see it to believe it person. but he wondered if they would explode... he hesitated. "Ah Screw it" He said almost shouting as he mixed the dust vials. Nothing happened. Lupus peered closer looking closely maybe he had discovered a working comb- *Boom* Lupus was blown back by the explosion. his hat was laying beside him Dazed Lupus muttered curses under his breath as he rubbed his back which was now in serious pain... Lupus tried to see and wiped the dust from his Brown eyes. He pulled back his hair which had fell on his face. his bandana was still attached [i]Thank god[/i] Lupus thought, he didn't need that type of problem... not now... Lupus looked up at his spot at the bar. his stool was broken in half his swords where a couple of feet away. the straps broken they lay as a single sword still attached by the magnets. Lupus sighed he wasn't gonna mix dust anytime soon...