As the others stopped to his signal a monstrous low pitch growl echoed through the tunnel. Shirley was frozen and her face showed horror and despair. [i]Shit[/i]. Jake cursed holding his breath as they stood paralyzed. The safest would be to turn around and run back towards Dalston, but that might lead it to the camp. After all, it was just a straight path back without any branching tunnels. A few seconds passed in silence and then… a crashing sound. A shriek followed by rapid clattering of claws against concrete. [i]It knew.[/i] Instinct kicked in. Jake grabbed Shirley by the wrist and pulled her forward as he ran. He tackled the door close. It wouldn’t stop the beast by any means but it would buy him a second or two. He continued past the door. He pulled the shocked girl by the arm and he [i]ran[/i]. He ran towards Hoxton. And he prayed that their legs could carry them fast enough.