~So this is it.~, Nia thought inside her mind. A thought both alien and comforting. She didn't fully realize what was happening until the words "[i]magical community[/i]" reached her brain. For a second, nothing else mattered. This [i]was[/i] it. The thing she secretly pursued for more than a year by now. The thing a fraction of her mind had secretly hoped for, when she read that mysterious note and decided not to ignore it. Finally, proof that she was indeed not the only one of her kind. It filled her heart with limitless joy for just a moment, which manifested in a smile she fought very hard so it wouldn't show on her face, making her look dumb and crazy. The moment was amazing enough so she forgot about the whole 'end of the world' part and just reveled in the truth that found her after she tried in vain to find it. It was only now that she [i]actually[/i] took in the sight of the others. Seeing them as random visitors of central park was vastly different from seeing them as magically gifted individuals. Knowing nothing about magic that went beyond her own limited capabilities, her assessment of the situation went a little [i]different[/i] though. Suspecting the 'fade out' of the little group to be of magical nature by now, Nia essentially assumed everyone present would be able to achieve such a thing, seeing how nobody showed an awful lot of surprise or amazement on this realization. Assumption number two was that the previously threatened 'bullet to the head' ordeal would mean something equal to a nasty sting for the old-time-y guy, since again nobody seemed to be shocked at all. If one could remove a group of selected people from a random crowd to have a private talk, a thing as mundane as a bullet could hardly be noteworthy, right? Thus, her next train of thought went into a less joyful direction. ~It's a mistake. They got the wrong person, I can't possibly measure up to them...~ And so the girl entirely missed a great opportunity to think about rewards and religion. Her head spun from the sudden wave of amazement that quickly turned into awe, leaving her feeling uneasy, defenseless, out of place. After all her magical talent, under the current circumstances, was...nil. The 'groovy' looking guy couldn't possibly want to put the worlds fate into the hands of someone like her, that would be sheer insanity. Nia went pale when realization hit her that she might just get kicked out of this group she had been looking for for so long once they notice her inherent lack of any usefulness whatsoever. Considering this, it didn't take long for her to decide which party she wanted to be part of. "[b]Nia Winters.[/b]" She managed to mutter the words somewhat audibly, but with a pretty obvious lack of confidence, as she finally closed the gap to the gathering and nodded towards Eric and Maximillian, implying that she too was in for the ride. Not that there was much of a choice.