[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aeI71kzesUc]Terror(ism)[/URL] [b]Compassion:[/b] Gen continued to chug down the beverage as he listened in on the conversation two seats to his left. It turns out the individual who had been drenched was acquainted with the beverage’s owner. [i]”That’s quite the coincidence.”[/i] He thought to himself as he set down the cup, checking the current time, and how long it was until their arrival. The teen wasn’t too fond of cramped places and wanted to plant his feet on some solid ground. [b]”Man, I can’t wait until I see our room! I hope there’s some nice shelf I can rest on, it’s stuffy in that bag of yours! And the bag keeps shaking, it’s making me dizzy.”[/b] Even though they are seen as copies of himself, they are still technically tied to their stuffed origins, which are currently packed away inside of Gen’s suitcase. Since his belongings were in the cargo section, is had been quite the bumpy ride for the pseudo-animals. He peered over to his right, noticing the student who introduced himself as ‘Lupus’, was holding something in his hands. After realizing that the vials were full of dust, the teen spun the lid off of one and poured out its contents. Gen watched as particles full of energy fluttered into the air away from the main mass. The bartender was too busy crafting an alcoholic masterpiece to care about what the student was doing. Lupus inspected another vial full of a different colored type of dust, squinting at resource as he shined it in the light. Once he felt satisfied, he eased off the lid and focused on the pile resting on the counter. [i]”Wait a moment…”[/i] Gen’s eyes widened in realization at what the young man was about to attempt. Why he would do it in such an unorthodox place, a bar on an [b]AIRSHIP[/b] full of students, Hio didn’t even want to try wrapping around the student’s mind process. As soon as he was about to reach out to Lupus, he heard a voice in the back of his head. [i]”Priority alpha. Taking control of body. Proceeding actions are in self-defense.”[/i] The monotone statement instantly caused Gen’s vision the blur, he felt himself yanked from the command post of his own body, allowing a certain persona to take over. [b]Tactician[/b] The scene before him slowed down in his eyes, allowing him to fully assess his possibilities. As the first impurity mixed, a chemical reaction was kicked off between the different types of dust. [i]”Primary objective: Keep the body safe. Minimize damage as much as possible. Secondary objective: Nullify attacker, to counteract any future mishaps.”[/i] Tactician thought to himself as he leaped into action at a lightning rate. With his right arm, he grasped the zipper of his hoodie and quickly pulled down. T. then propelled the piece of attire towards the pile, hoping that it would cover it by the time of the reaction. With his free arm, he pushed the black-haired man away, making sure he would be left mostly unscathed. With the remaining second, T. tried to lean off of the bench, trying to create as much of a gap as possible. “Sorry about your hoodie, Compassion.” He murmured as the reaction ignited, sending both Lupus and T. flying back a couple of meters. Though there explosion didn’t singe their bodies at all, the mere force exerted joggled his vision. He landed on his back and felt a pinch of pain run up his spine, though he clenched his teeth behind his closed lips and kept in the yelp. Tactician groaned and stood up whilst Lupus was still dusting himself off. He narrowed his eyes at the teen, [i]”Primary objective: Complete. Proceeding with secondary.”[/i] He began to reach for the firearm on his back, though his arm froze when a voice spoke up, [i]”No need for that. I’ll deal with it myself, T. Your job is done.”[/i] T. gave a nod of acknowledgement and let his arm slack to his side, giving the controls back to Compassion. [b]Compassion:[/b] Gen stretched out as Lupus finally got up. He glanced over at the damage dealt by the teen’s naivety; both of their benches and the counter were signed with a black char. The wood was caked in evaporated coffee, dyeing the carpentry with mixing colors. The other students were left virtually unharmed, though they were probably shocked from such a sudden reaction. “Damn. He could have at least kept my hoodie.” The remains of the overwear were scattered across the area of effect, burned to a crisp. Hio let out a sigh, thanking the apparel for its noble sacrifice.A deep voice grumbled from behind the bar, followed by the shuffling of glass and debris. “What the hell?! My bar! Whoever did this, you are compensating me!” [hider=The man...][img]http://i.imgur.com/JDl92RU.jpg?1[/img][/HIDER]..rose from behind his fallen mini-tavern, a glass which used to contain gin still in his hand. A majority of his shirt was blown off in the explosion, leaving his fit exterior for the public to see. Gen mentally facepalmed at the sight, [i]”...All I wanted was a peaceful cup of coffee.”[/i] He pouted to himself as the very cause of the explosion was laughing hysterically.