“[b]Perhaps a towel as well, and a gin-and-tonic for my associate there?[/b]” Eurwen was stunned. She had just spilled her water on this guy, and he was buying her a drink? Unsure of what was even going on, and frozen to the spot she struggled to find the right words, however the long haired Hunter was able to beat her to the punch once again, “[b]Fancy meeting you here, Eurwen. As far as first impressions go, at least it’d give me something to smile about later. Why’re you going to Beacon, and not Torchwood?[/b]” Eyes narrowing in uncertainty, the rabbit faunus leaned in close, leaving inches between them as she stared hard into his eyes. However after a few seconds, her suspicious look melted into one of pure delight and with a wide smile, Eurwen began to hop in place happily as she finally realized who the boy before her was, "[b]Ash![/b]" Having gone to Firelight with him, she didn't quite recognize him in normal attire, or rather, formal attire, "[b]I feel like it's been so long--I didn't even recognize you without the bunny suit.[/b]" Realizing she was still hopping, a red tint covered her cheeks before she briskly sat down and handed him the other rag she had snagged from behind the bar, "[b]Sorry about the water, again.[/b]" Hands folded along her lap now, Eurwen twisted to and fro on the bar stool as she finally answered his question, "[b]After Firelight I had thought about going to Torchwood, but.. it was just a bit out my budget.[/b]" Like Firelight, Torchwood was another prestigious school in Vacuo. Those who could pay were easily accepted, but coming from a middle-class family along with being a Faunus would have made her application difficult. Looking over at the bartender as he worked on their drinks, a giddy smile was clear on the rabbits face. Days of raiding of her parents alcohol pantry came to mind, along with all the times she had bribed Ashart into using his fake ID to buy her a drink. While she wasn't of age, Alcohol was her biggest weakness, and her favorite pastime. "[b]You know me so well.~[/b]" Returning her attention back to the dark haired male, the chatterbox continued, seemingly unfazed by the suspicious look the bartender threw back at her, "[b]Anyway, both of my parents went here, so it only felt right that I apply. And--I mean.. Beacon just seemed like it was the place for me, ya’ know?[/b]” It was at those words that a figure on the opposite corner caught her eye. Bright brown hues widened in horror, as her jaw dropped once again. He was playing with dust like sand! Without a second though Eurwens hand shot out, grabbing Ash by the shoulder and activating her semblance split second before the reaction. With a deafening boom and and a heavy plume of smoke and debris the dust exploded, throwing the boy from the bar and sending the rest of the students into a frenzy. Standing amongst the smoke, a heavy black aura surrounded both Eurwen and Ashart as the smoke casually drifted through them, but while physically uneffected the shrill noise of the boom had deafened her sensitive ears, causing a painful headache to throb through her temples. With her free hand sitting along her right ear tenderly, she dropped her grip on Asharts shoulder once her semblance deactivated, “[b]You alright?[/b]”