As the clouds condensed into a black orb and the winds stopped, bolts of black lightning struck the ground beneath it. From within the ball, large armored hooves started to show themselves as the Beast began to drop from it. In one swift motion, the orb dispersed and the massive form of Diabolus dropped onto the streets with a thunderous clap, shattering the rock and asphalt and sending tremors through the surrounding buildings. The force of the fall dropped it to its knees and arms, its massive clenched fists impacting the ground as more glass and small debris fell from the skyscrapers around him. Diabolus sat still for a moment, then with a low pitched guttural sound, the Demon groaned and pushed itself onto its feet. The Beast's massive cranium turned as it surveyed its surroundings. "FIGHT!" The Demon roared from beneath its helm. Its voice was loud and booming, calling out to anything that could hear it. Holding its fists out to the side as a challenge to all life in the city.