Urtum woke quickly, being roused from his slumber by the small outpost's alarm blaring throughout his room. He rushed over to a control station in the corner of the room, "A.L.I.S status report!" A slightly digital sounding female voice sounded from the station, "There has been an intruder, all personnel have left the outpost." The Salarian scratched the top of his head slightly, "Evacuation protocol not commenced, no intruder ship spotted... Yet staff gone, intruder appears... A.L.I.S. portable mode. Requires in person investigation." "Yes sir." A small disc-like object ejected from a small console which Urtum grabbed and inserted into a small indention in his breastplate. The Doctor donned his helmet and opened the door to the outside. He quickly walked to the door that connected to the mine. As he typed in the code to the door he touched the disc-like object that he had previously acquired, "A.L.I.S. scan area for life signatures, must identify race of intruder." "Scanning for lifeforms." The voice announced. After a few minutes, as Urtum was walking through the mine the voice spoke up again, "Lifeforms detected, they do not match any known signatures." The Salarian tapped his chin, "Hmm, unknown race, very exciting... Must be wary though, less knowledge of species could be problematic." He turned the corner and there in front of the unknowing alien stood a whole hoard of zombie-like creatures. "... Problematic indeed." With that, Urtum turned and ran for the door, "Too many, must call for support. Strange happening... Exciting." He exited the mine and sealed the door, "A.L.I.S. send out a distress signal, must wait for help." He returned to his room and sat on his bed, removing his helmet. "Wonder what will happen next." He said with a joyful smile on his face. He was excited to know more about these strange creatures.