Urtum heard an Alliance soldier knock at the door, "A.L.I.S. confirmation of Alliance Officer." "Confirmed, Angelo is an Alliance infiltrator." The Salarian nodded, "Someone heard beacon. Good." He walked to the door and opened it, "Ah, Angelo yes? I'm Doctor Ezon. Lead scientist and one who activated distress signal." Without warning Urtum grabbed Angelo's arm and pulled him inside, closing the door, "Assume you've seen the creatures. Unknown creatures, very strange." He touched the disc on his breastplate, "A.L.I.S. status report." The female voice responded, "All, system inside the mine are down. Lifeforms in immediate area terminated." The doctor nodded, "Might be able to take one for research." He turned his attention to Angelo, "Have ship yes? Take Me and A.L.I.S on board, assuming you have laboratory. Need to acquire dead sample." He was talking rather quickly, not breathing as he spoke. A.L.I.S. spoke up, "Maybe you should breath sir." "Ah yes, respiration required to survive." Urtum took a deep breath and looked at Angelo with a blank stare, "Are you listening?"