[s]Hikaru's gender is totally hideyoshi[/s] I swear this is more kagaku than majutsu. at the above guess the nickname: ⑨? Cue mass editing of bbcode because no preview button. [hider=Timothy=Muriel] [b]Name:[/b] Timothy=Muriel [b]Age:[/b] Seventeen [b]Sex:[/b] Male [b]Height/Weight:[/b] 160cm(approx. 5'3") / 51kg(approx. 112lbs) [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://imageshack.com/a/img841/9505/2kzl.png[/img] Hair: messy purple Eyes: green attire: Black priest robe [thinkofstiylmagnus] other: tattoo of a key on the knuckle of left index finger. [b]Classification:[/b] Magic User [b]Magic Name:[/b] Judicium108 - [i]I bring those unworthy to their rightful place.[/i] [b]Spells and Magic:[/b] Timothy's spells are based on Abaddon/Apollyon, known as the place/king of destruction (the destroyer) and as a Domination (an angel of the second sphere) in possession of the Key to the Abyss depending on the translations and the scripture. [*]Call a Familiar - [i]"Earth. A task by He, fulfilled."[/i] Requires dirt or equivalent and a breath from the one to be the 'master' of the familiar to carry out this spell. The words are chanted out while his hand or a compatible magical tool is pressed against the dirt, followed by a single breath on the dirt once the chanting is done. Upon success the dirt will take the form of a living organism of the breather's choice. The organism that can be created is limited to those that can be picked up by an average person. The organism will look, act and sound real but when it is heavily damaged or dispelled it will revert back to the dirt it once was. The familiar does not have its own intelligence but rather is controlled by the owner of the breath that was used to complete the spell. The familiar's senses are directly transferred to the controller, and as such will cause the controller much confusion and overwhelmed senses if they control too many at once. Timothy can control at most two separately.[/*] [*]Magic Disable - [i]"I saw an angel coming down from heaven, holding the key of the abyss and a great chain in his hand. He laid hold of the dragon, the serpent of old, and bound him for a thousand years."[/i] The first magic casted by the target or the first magic that hits Timothy after the completion of the spell is chained to a tattoo of a key on the knuckle of Timothy's left index finger. The chained magic cannot be used again until he is knocked unconscious or if this spell cancels/dispels. {EDIT: since there seems to be a lacking amount of magicians, I'm partially inclined to make this affect Esper abilities too but it's not like they have distinctions between powers technically so I. don't know how it'd work.}[/*] [*]Plague of Locust - [i]"They will cover the face of the ground so that it cannot be seen. They will devour what little you have left after the hail. They will devour every tree that is growing in your fields. They will fill your houses and those of all your officials and all in the land. Their name is destroyer and their role is the fifth trumpet. Break free with the key of the abyss and graze the land bare!"[/i] Requires a floor or ground to cast the spell on and a compatible magical tool. Timothy must hold the tool in his hand and point to the general area where the plague would be casted as the spell is chanted. The floor will crack and split and once the chanting is done will burst open with a plague of locust accompanied by a thick black smoke, covering the place with the split floor as the center, its radius being wide enough to fill half a football field. The spell will cancel if Timothy loses his grip on the tool or if he becomes airborne [i.e. pushed or knocked back] and loses all contact with the ground even for a split second. The locust swarm does not deal any severe damage, however will land on and bother those afflicted. Their jaws are tough and can cut through soft materials like multiples of tiny blades. The smoke that accompanied the swarm does nothing except hinder vision. Note that when the spell is cancelled or dispelled, the splits and cracks on the floor disappears with the plague.[/*] [b]Notable Talents or Skills:[/b] [*]Quarterstaff - Capable of this stick fighting technique which uses a pole-arm or staff.[/*] [*]Increased Semantic Memory - Timothy tends to have little trouble learning and remembering facts and knowledge. Whether he can use it though is a completely different matter.[/*] [*]Tracking skills - A side effect from having familiars that share its senses, Timothy can recognize and track game trails or clues as to where someone may have gone. It's not like he can see invisible tracks or anything and this skill has a huge disadvantage without a decent familiar summoned.[/*] [b]significant item at hand:[/b] Magical tool in the form of two wooden poles, both about 80cm / 2'7.5" long with a single line going down the length. Upon focusing Timothy's mana the line glows a soft green and the two poles stick together to form a single, longer pole that is more durable than wood and can be used to cast his spells. When not in use, they are held onto a latch on his attire where his back is. [b]Affiliation:[/b] Necessarius [b]Occupation:[/b] Magician [b]Personality:[/b] Stemming from the harsh training he received from an early age, Timothy has a strong and narrow-minded will. That is, once he has decided on going through with something, he was taught never to give up on it despite the chance of succeeding or putting his morality in test. Despite the fact that this has burdened him greatly in the past, he has yet to give up this way of life thanks to his loyalty to the Anglican Church; the Church, despite all its horrors behind the scenes was equivalent to his parent and his home, and while he will never admit it out loud it is also the place where his first love, Laura Stuart, was affiliated with. While Timothy have a knack of remembering facts and details he saw or heard, he isn't cut out to put one and one together which frustrates him from time to time. Ironically this made him be a popular messanger or informant for some of the members of the Church. Who wouldn't want their messenger to be able to pass on information with accuracy yet unable to use that information themselves? And moving on to his social skills. He is generally polite though the things he say may give the impression that he is a little lacking, asking obvious questions here and there, repeating the questions and answers others say to him before addressing them, etc. That's not to say he can't hold a decent conversation, and excluding his lack of enthusiasm or humour in his voice he can interact normally. Given the place he grew up, Timothy does have a very religious view of the world. He has a distinct black and white opinion especially when it comes to magicians; all magicians not affiliated to the Church of England are considered evil and his enemy, his sole purpose to fight them until they join the Church or die. Following the Archbishop of the Anglican Church's instructions, Espers and normal people on the other hand are good as long as they do not support the 'evil' magicians. If it wasn't clear, the Archbishop's words are treated with the highest regard to him, and will obey without a moment of hesitation. [b]Biography:[/b] From the ealiest moment that Timothy can remember he was a member of the Anglican Church. In fact, there was little of his past which he can recall that wasn't related to the Church and its teachings one way or another, from prayers to learning about magic, about the witch hunts in the past and why it was so important for the land to be free from magic, to meager work or eating together, emphasizing their unity under the Church. His admission to the Necessarius was sudden and without much hassle. One day it just happened as if he was part of it his whole life, though Timothy who was still young at the time had taken his time to adjust. He knew questioning was a waste of his breath regardless, having seen what kind of punishment he could find himself in no matter his age and went with the flow. That day was also the first meeting with the Archbishop of the Church who was also the head of Necessarius, Laura Stuart. In his eyes she seemed to shine with a magnificent air, holding onto every word she said with a hunger he never felt before. When he was told of the purpose of his being under her juridiction, of learning magic to fight magic, he gladly obeyed despite it going against the very teachings that he had engraved in himself. Her wish was his command. Fast forwarding a few years to where Timothy was now a full-fledged member of the Necessarius; his role was mainly an informant and messenger which seemed fitting with his reconnaissance and obstruction spells, however that wasn't good enough for him. He took upon himself to take up other means which would be more useful in fighting with 'evil' magicians, resulting with the quarterstaff technique, a suggestion from a member of the Church who knew of a passage within the holy scriptures that talked of a certain man whose powers bestowed by God had similarities to his magic. In the present day, he had caught wind of a certain strange phenomenon that is stirring up in the Academy City. Truth be told these rumours were born faster than the speed of light in the mysterious Academy City, however the events described this time sounded like magic was behind it. Where there were evil magic at hand, Timothy's duty made him investigate. [/hider]