Sweet Cheese! I have never been so conflicted with so many interesting plot ideas. Normally it is just one in a list. I love playing the alien/mutant/creature. To have someone who really wants to play the human against that is a real treat. I love romance, but do not want to write smut. Instant love is not my cup of tea. -The Hive Is there a specific alien race in mind? Or do I get to use one of mine? -Identity Not totally sure on this one. I can see some fun for a while, then getting old fighting over the same body. -The Ghost, The Gunman, and the Grim Unless you are already doing this one of course. -Mutagen I am not one hundred percent sure I can do this. I have never written a person madly in love. I think it would be interesting. Do you need a sample of writing? If so, I will happily supply.