Urtum interrupted Angelo, "Want sample for testing, trying to find out what it is. Angelo thinks problematic, thinks I have chance to turn into one," He looked over at Angelo and shook his head, "Highly unlikely," He turned his attention to the C-Sec Officer, "Not caring of Angelo's concern, need to test dead subject to learn what they are... A.L.I.S. agrees." The Salarian touched the disc in his chestplate, the A.I. responding, "I think it would be advisable to study the creatures, seeing as they are now terminated it is highly unlikely they could turn the doctor into one of them." The doctor nodded in agreement, "See?..." He paused for a second, "Ah, yes. Did not introduce to newcomer, I'm Doctor Ezon. No more formalities, need lab. Assuming C-Sec Officer has one. Need to start experiments, limited time before more come from the mine..." He tapped his chin for a bit, "Need supplies, assuming C-Sec ship has able crew to load my things." A.L.I.S. spoke up, "If I may doctor, wouldn't it be in your best interest to ask if you can go aboard?" "Ah, yes. Right, need permission. Requesting boarding ship with supplies and dead subject." The Salarian stared at the C-Sec Officer waiting for an answer.