Carmine tilted her head to the other side, giving the young man named Vask a quizzical look. His scatterbrained manner was putting her of her game a little. She didn't like the way he kept switching from bluntly argumentative, to awkwardly charming. After a long moment had passed she realised that she should probably say something and, as she prepared to take his hand and shake it, she responded with "No, I'm a Salama-" Before she finish her sentence the airship shook under the Dust explosion at the bar. Carmine, already uncomfortable with flying, gave a cry of terror and very nearly leapt into Vask's arms. Her head snapped around towards the source of the explosion, a jet of fire hissing out between her teeth. "Oh no! Not like this!" She cried, clinging to Vask. "I don't wanna die like this!" The damage caused by the explosion was really that serious, not counting the now non-existent bar, but for all Carmine knew the whole airship could be about to plummet from the sky, and she was very conscious about just how high up they were. She suddenly let go of Vask and dropped down into a crouch, covering her head with her hands, spitting out little jets of fire with every panicked breath and shaking with fear.