[IMG]http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff9/nacron/Inscrption_zpsac44d944.png[/img] The year is 1872 in Paris, France. The Industrial Era is at large, and countries are wanting to be bigger and better in every way. That includes tourist as much as it does inventing new things and expanding with the latest global movement. In the city of Paris, they are looking for the best top scientist, archaeologist, architects, historians, bravest adventurers and explorers out there, to work together and complete the newest tourist attraction: The Paris Catacombs. The catacombs are home to the remains of six million people, due to many of the cemeteries of Paris overflowing with bodies over generations of disease, famine, war and many other tragic endings. Paris hired a top team of locals to go down, renovate, and put all the bones into place. But when called back, the former team refused to go back into the catacombs. Some came home extremely injured physically, emotionally, and mentally. A handful of the finest Paris had to offer did not return. This sparked a huge flame of curiosity among the world, wanting to know what goes on down below in the Empire of the Dead. And that's exactly why [b] you [/b] are here. To give them their answer one way or another. --- [i] Basic Rules Apply [/i] I. I am the GM. You come to me with a problem, I will fix it. My ruling is final. II. Don't be a jerk. (play nicely or you're not wanted here). III. No 'Power Playing' (They must have Pros & Cons, Strength, Weaknesses, Fears, etc.) IV. Romance is allowed, keep it tasteful, civil and mindful of others. (If you offend someone I will ask you to please tone it down.) V. Cursing/Cussing is allowed. But like Romance, keep it tasteful, civil and be mindful of others. (Offending someone I will ask you to please tone it down.) [b] VI. If you drop from the RP, or stop posting for a long while, your character will be killed as a way of 'dismissing' you from the game. [/b] You can come back and remake a character if your character is dead, but keep in mind of the story line and the difficulty of jumping in. If you know that you are going to drop yourself out, yes, you can kill your own character. Any questions about killing and remaking, you can ask me. --- [u] Character Application [/u] Name: Age: Physical Description (picture/typing/both): Personality: Specialties/Occupation: Strong Points: Fears: Other information: -- This is a [u] Medium-Casual Supernatural, Horror, Thriller RP set in the Industrial Era/Victorian Era [/u] If you are not going to be able to post for a while. Just post in the OOC or PM me and I'll keep it in mind~