@UNOwenWasMe Touhou fans for life! <3 I am the strongest tho! Name: Alexander Chaser Nickname: Alex Age: 17 Bio/History: Alex lead quite a good life, he has a wonderful mother and father who love him very much. Being offered drugs and unprotected love making many times he declined due to moral standards that were taught to him. His father, a master in various martial arts taught him all he knows, aside from the fact that most people practice Karate, he practices five different martial arts. He is very capable in battle and heads to a training dojo after school to train his Kali empty-handed and blunt weaponed arm, and his other known arts. Other: Besides his fighting ability, he's also a bit of a nerd and gamer. He also plans on entering UFC sometime or the other. Recently he won a martial arts tournament and claimed the title as the best martial artist in the city, no one knows his style as he knocks everyone out in a boxing stance and simple feints and basic combos as it's not expected at all. Perhaps he has some challengers as well (wink wink) Appearance: [img=http://i.imgur.com/RDxsiFZ.jpg?1] Ranger Appearance: [img=https://c1.staticflickr.com/9/8542/9016325414_7bdf15713d_z.jpg] Abilities: Skilled in five different types of martial arts and a mastery of two of them, combined with his amazing speed, agility and flexibility makes him a deadly foe. His flexibility is amazing allowing him to fight in different manners and style alongside his martial arts training. Any sort of unarmed combat against him is deadly. Requested Weaponry: -A Sword or Katana that can shoot laser blasts from its blade. -A normal Power rangers pistol -A metal pole or proper decorated blunt weapon. (One handed) [b] Theme Song [/b] [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wl_3BzAcSFc[/youtube]