Name: Frami Anthonio Zeppeli Age: 19 Physical Description: Frami stands at 6 feet tall flat and possesses a medium build to compliment his stature, not by any means bulky or commanding presence through sheer body mass but well toned as his general aesthetic would hint, most bodily definition could be hidden well enough under baggy clothing save for his lower body which commands the most size of all his muscular features. A fray of curly black hair lies atop his head which is often matted down by the black and white checkered hats he frequently wears which do good at providing shade to contrasting emerald eyes which sport small flares suggesting signs of distant oriental descent, which is challenged by his rather large protruding nose and olive skin tone. Personality: Despite the circumstances that have been imposed on Frami he's ever the optimist in his own breed of relaxed acceptance, which some have come to gauge as apathy which he laughs off, if he were truly apathetic about anything he wouldn't have survived as long as he has. He simply does not see the use in worrying over circumstances one cannot control, it only impedes their performance when the time comes that they can make an impact. Specialties/Occupation: Errand runner/Linguist/Swindler Strong Points: Comprehension of multiple languages/Formal education/Fencer/Boxer/Ambidextrous Fears: Religious symbols/Fear of being overpowered/Prolonged solitude/Phantom pains from stomach scar Other information: Draws origin from the Caribbean Islands, in particular Dominican Republic. Lived to the age of 8 with a relatively content if not under privileged childhood, most in his neighborhood did not have much and he was no exception so he took the simple inability to gain material desires to heart and never really pestered for much. Eventually his parents registered his incredible temperance in never pestering for things they could not provide as most children are known to do. The guilt of not being able to provide luxuries for their child led them to allow him to live with his Aunt and Uncle in Italy where he could obtain a better living, and for a while, he did. He'd picked up language skills and academic opportunities he'd only thought were for the more privileged kids. By the age 12 he'd grown under much better circumstances his parents could have provided for him. He had an encounter with a mugger where in he fled into a vacant Cathedral, unable to evade him he was stabbed in the stomach and left to bleed out in the silence of church surrounded by the symbols of what he would accept in the afterlife. He was saved by devote man who came to pray despite the Cathedral being deserted only to see him bleeding out and taking him to the doctor who was able to dress his wound. After the traumatic experience he decided one brush with death was one too many and began going about Italy searching for locals in which to learn how to protect himself. Fencing enthusiast and fight clubs came were one of the main subjects of his experimentation. After the disapproval of his Aunt and Uncle for his recklessness in learning self defense he began to strike it on his own seeing as he felt of age to be on his own.