[b] Effie & Otto Holloway [/b] (for the sake of story line I made two characters) --- Name: Effie Holloway Age: 20 Physical Description: [hider=Effie Holloway] [img=http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/89/1e/dc/891edc1bfa207ba8f9d8d8d5a667fc72.jpg] [/hider] Effie has dark black hair with the equal green-blue eyes of her brother, Otto. Personality: Effie is an impatient lady who has set plans and goals always in mind. She likes the power of logic, and doesn't have a open mind to the explainable or supernatural; she refers to it as utter nonsense. In a situation, she prefers to think and weasel her way out. Although she is a natural thinker, she’ll never admit her fear of the what she can’t see. Specialties/Occupation: Alchemist Strong points: Thinks fast, and a problem solver naturally. Fears: Total Darkness (unable to see), unstable earthy grounds (fear of falling, becoming trapped). Other information: She took after her mother in looks, but she has her father’s mind and spirit. The daughter of the late Dr. Harris Holloway, a promising Alchemist himself, she did strive and took a natural connection with the earth. Following her father’s footsteps, she became a alchemist. Although her mother didn't agree to such a way for her daughter, she never stopped supporting her. --- Name: Otto Holloway Age: 22 Physical Description: [hider=Otto Holloway] [img=https://c2.staticflickr.com/6/5139/5461812174_4afb9660a1_z.jpg] [/hider] Specialties/Occupation: Archaeologist and Historian Personality: Otto can be an odd sport, but he means well. He likes to believe anything is possible, which is probably due to his mind that is like the wind. Otto tends to come up with strange solutions to simple problems, and complex solutions to simple problems. He was never the sort to always stay on one cloud, or believe a set of natural laws. Strong points: Being creative, and his scatter brain can do good sometimes. Fears: He’s [i] extremely [/i] superstitious. Afraid of the ‘other side’ and curses. Other information: Otto loved to find the supernatural, so he knew even as a child, he wanted to explore what no one else would. He wanted to find lost history that people took to the graves..literally. He had a passion for history and the untold. Otto always looked out for everyone. He loved his father, but in truth he always leaned towards his mother. His sister Effie and him didn't always see eye to eye, but they got along…sometimes. [i] The Holloway Siblings were raised in England. Their father, Harris Holloway was British, but Eleanor Holloway moved to England from France as a child. Due to their mother, they learned enough French to get them by. [/i]