AIsling simply nodded as she opened her laptop and then booted up. She was not looking forward to class and saw that most used paper and pencil or pen for writting. She always used a laptop becaue it saved the trees from being used for paper and pencil. Her grandmother had taught her to be eco friendly and knew that while trees were renewal kind of resource too many factories did not replant as many trees as they took down. Also it took many years for trees to grow to maturity and be harvested, more than 10 or 15 years. That is the reason why she used a laptop to do her homework or classwork on. Besides the paper looked much better when printed out on paper if she had to use paper. Usually it took less paper as well. Once the laptop was booted up, she opened the Microsoft Doc and put the date as well as the class at the top of the page. Now she was ready for class. She could have opened the internet but wasn't sure that she should. Back home Aisling used the thesaurus a lot. It was one of her favorite sites. She looked around at the other students while she waited for the class to begin.