Suto was elated, they'd come so far already. Given it had been five months now, but with a fifth of the game cleared they were gathering steam and pushing on ahead. Had anyone told him they'd be making progress like this four months ago he may have been skeptical. Now things were genuinely looking promising though, and the day that they'd finally go home, however distant was gradually approaching. As if that weren't enough to brighten his day they also had a celebration for the day; Yari's birthday. With it coming up he and Fitch had spent the last few days planning things out in hopes of surprising her. Had she forgotten amidst all the chaos? Hopefully not, it was still a rather important day. For perhaps the first time since the game began Suto made it a point to save his money, hoping to put everything he could into the gathering to make it something truly worth celebrating. Of course, when it came down to it Fitch really took the reigns on organizing, he was just along for the ride. Luna was gracious enough as well to put into it, though not quite as outgoing when it came to setting things up. That was a rather nice change as of late, Suto reflected. Luna, while still very much her own person was a bit more agreeable with everyone else, especially him. The whole 'saving her life' aspect may have something to do to that, though in reality all he credited himself with was killing a few imps, hardly worth boasting. Regardless of the reason it was a pleasant turn of pace, as he really wasn't usually a confrontational person. For the sake of Yari's birthday they agreed to put aside their bickering and get along... Or, rather, Luna agreed not to chastise Suto for his eccentricity. When the party began it couldn't have done so in a better fashion. Fitch had agreed to take Yari out to the shop, and while she did that they set up the local in for the celebration. It had to be done quickly, but with enough help, even from the NPCs they had gotten the task done. Upon their friend's return the surprise was sprung, and the look on their friend's face told them it was a job well done. A friendly embrace from both Suto and Luna were had before Yari even so much as made it through the door before finally being allowed to sit. And ever the master of amusement Suto took it upon himself to declare the party a go, grinning cheerfully as a bit of music began to play and food was brought out. They might be stuck in the game, but they'd make it a birthday party worth remembering. Eating, dancing and making toasts was fun and all, but the group was perhaps most earnestly excited for the gifts. They had all pooled together on these as well, with little ones from each individual person to boot. The highlight of the day would be the group gift though, a flowing white gown crafted from fine spider's silk. It wasn't a rare item really, but then again it was the thought that counted, right? Besides, it looked amazing in of itself, and Yari certainly did it justice once she put it on. When she revealed it to everyone there were a fair share of cheers, and even one or two cat calls that were quickly silenced courtesy of Luna. Yari really did look good in it, and as the birthday girl she was receiving all the attention and praise that she should be. Not only was it another year but she had done so much for the group, and from fighting on helped who knows how many players have hope and move on. It might be a small party, Suto mused, but it was a celebration from the entire player base to her, even if the players didn't know it. With a wide grin plastered on his face Suto walked over to Yari, taking her in a hug with a happy laugh. "You look like a bride! Holy cow!" he exclaimed, letting her go and stepping back. "Seriously, nice dress. Hope you get plenty of use out of it!" Luna had come up as well behind Suto, letting him have his own meet and greet before smiling at Yari herself. "Happy Birthday again Yari," she said gently, hugging her friend as well. Under any other circumstance she'd be a stick in the sand, complaining that they ought to be a little more productive. Even she recognized today's importance though, and honestly she was really having a lot of fun. All of the socializing and activity did leave her feeling a touch out of place, meaning she spent as much time as she could near her friends. Luna was warming up to it all though, albeit gradually. By floor twenty five or so she could hopefully stand to be in a crowd without feeling anxious, that was her own little goal for their journey. Once releasing Yari she moved back as well, clasping her hands behind her back contently. "The boys are right, you look beautiful in that." Giggling a bit she managed a surprisingly cute smile, scuffing her foot against the floor sheepishly. "Just don't wear it too often, as it seems to attract attention." she added, referring to a small group of players who were watching in, the ones she'd smacked previously. Narrowing her eyes at them the old Luna came back for a second, threatening to string them up from their bootstraps if they weren't careful. "Let's get another cheer for the birthday girl!" Suto exclaimed, gesturing for everyone to shout once more time, beaming as they did. Ecstatic at how much fun everyone was having he moved in between Fitch and Yari, slinging an arm around both of their shoulders and pulling them into hugs. "See guys? I told you we could have fun here! I've been telling you all along!" He'd been doing this kind of thing since the game began, always spending money on superfluous parties. If he had to be honest with himself this was the first one he genuinely enjoyed, and found himself properly happy in. How could he not be when his closest friends were in attendance? Spotting Luna standing before them on her lonesome he smirked, letting Fitch and Yari go to try and hug her as well, instead getting a heel to his toes. With a small yelp he hopped back, looking down at his foot with a pout as he shook it. "You were hugging Yari a second ago! Am I that bad?" Luna reacted a bit hastily towards Suto, not quite having grown use to him even now. Seeing the disparaging look on his face she softened up a bit, offering an apologetic smile before shaking her head. "You're not bad... I just don't like getting really close to most people. It's nothing against you." she replied simply. More precisely she'd noticed she was a bit nervous when close to boys than girls. It didn't matter who it was either, be it Fitch, Suto, a raid party member, or even Nero on occasion, she always got fidgety. How embarrassing, to be so unnerved by some silly boy. Opting for a change in topic she smiled at Yari nervously, shifting her weight on her feet for a moment. "By the way... There's a second part to the gift, if you're interested..." she began, her cheeks flushing slightly as she turned her gaze away sheepishly. "Yuna and I figured a girl's night out might be fun... So if you want to we can do that later on. Though I don't know what we'll do exactly."