Viktor stood tall and straight amongst the assembled crowd as they were addressed by this recruiter. He raised an eyebrow at his stern and overly gruff nature. He was either in a piss poor mood at having to be here or trying far to hard to intimidate people. Either way he cared little. He signed the name he learned to spell in the year or two since he left his tribe for the wider world. The So called sergeant, whatever that meant. He new that the militaries of these lands loved their titles to denote leadership. As if skill and courage were not enough. Besides this man had a less-than-thrilled look on his face mixed in with some surprise at this note. This may not bode well, or it may be for another reason entirely. He soon tired of the speil this man was giving and simply waited for his name to be called. He focused his attentions on the skies above them. Watching the birds and the clouds in general though for one bird in particular. It did not take him long to find it's slim, dangerous profile and hear it's shrill screech as it dived suddenly upon an unfortunate rat that happened to get spotted as lunch. As his friend left his sight he turned back to the shouting man in time to hear his name be called along with a string of others. He tapped the but of his glaive against the dock planks and pushed through the crowd to find his new and supposed leader. He eyed him carefully as well as many of the others that approached. If this was to be his 'squad' as they liked to call it. He imagined that these would be people he would fight alongside mostly. They seemed to be a mixed bunch with a few in the heavy metal armours he ahd grown accustomed to seeing. He had little use for such things as his nomadic upbringing taught him to abhor such a thing that could cut his and the rest of the tribe's ability to move and follow the herds. Even transporting such armour would be considered a waste of time and horses. But he could imagine how in these lands where everything was close packed and crowded that speed wasn't as much a concern. He shrugged to himself internally, Well as long as they could swing a sword and use their armour to the best than may the spirits watch over them and guide their movements. The suggestion to move themselves to a tavern was echoed loudly by Viktor. He could use a decent drink. Or at least a stiff one. And as they gathered round the table he had far less concerns about the quality of the ale than others. He grasped the the tankard placed before him and chugged it as easily as their sergeant did. “By far it wasn't the best he had ever had it was sour and more watered down than was proper. But it was perhaps surprisingly not the worst he had ever tasted either. When the people around the table started to introduce themselves he paid attention enough to grab their names and any boasts they claimed to make about their skills and whichever of them either offered up their drink or looked like they had no intention on touching it quickly found it being grabbed as he leaned over the table and pulled it closer to him. He soon had quite the little collection of tankards and was enjoying the contents of each. When it finally got to his turn he finished the current tankard he was drinking “You may call me Viktor” his accent was rough and foreign, this was clearly not his first language but he carried on. “I am warrior of the Storm Talons Tribe from the lands you call Kord. And I join you all to earn the rights to stories and great deeds that I may bring back to my tribe and earn my ancestors respect. And to see sights and experiences far beyond those I can experience back home.” He tapped the woad lightning bolt tattoo's on the side of his neck to show his tribal origins. “I Would be happy to return with tales of honourable allies as well as enemies for the fireside. Maybe I will speak of your deeds as well to my people when I return home?” he offered with a shrug. Their character and worthiness of song and deed has yet to be determined. He was not proud and arrogant enough to return home and claim he met no one of worth in his travels. Besides more characters always made a tale gripping.