Okiedoke. Guys, I've been in a few DR RPs' they always seem to crash and burn because the GMs' become inactive or start becoming lazy with the story which totally, sucks! If you're unfamiliar with Dangan Ronpa, It is a mystery-murder solving game. You can learn more about it and its characters in the [url=http://danganronpa.wikia.com/wiki/Dangan_Ronpa_Wiki]wikia[/url], or perhaps watch a letsplay or walkthrough on youtube. But be mindful of spoiler if you intend to play it yourself!~ I decided I would take charge for once, this way the RP will not die asking as I have anything to say about it. Now, let's get to our plot, shall we? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [img]http://media.tumblr.com/89017fc0e061a25df6764ae71cf37913/tumblr_inline_miaxv3dCkB1qz4rgp.png[/img] Congratulations! Remember that exam you took a few weeks ago? Well the results are back and you've been accepted into Hopes Peak Academy. You'll be joining the ranks of many elites such as; The Ultimate Baseball Pro! Ultimate Biker Gang Leader! The Ultimate Gambler and The Ultimate Pop Sensation and Ultimate Fashionista! In the envelope that your parents received in the mail, there is an invitation for a party in your honor! It'll be held at the nearby shopping complex a few kilometers past the school. They hope to see you soon! Little do you know... A devilish fiend has laid out a trap for you... You become numb upon reaching the glorious stone fountain in the centre of the first floor inside the shopping complex. Upon meeting the other guests, you slowly fall to a bliss of unconsciousness you can hear evil laughter in the back of your mind. "Upupupu" Upon waking up, you have forgotten everything, who you are, what you're doing, where you are, your memories. Your name begins to come back to you as your mind becomes less foggy, Several other people awaken... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Okidoke. Here are our rules, don't get them confused with the school rules which will appear later 'hinthint' 1.You can not take control of characters other than your own, without consent of the other person. 2. You may have up to two characters, but be mindful it can be difficult to juggle them, if you do use two different characters, please place their name above your post. 'Character One' [ Text ] 'Character Two' [ Text ] 3. Try your hardest not to leave anybody out, so be mindful if your posting is going to fast. I'll let you know if that's the case. 4. Please do your best with spelling and Grammar. 5. The Breaking of these rules means severe punishment~ (More Rules may be added If this becomes a thing) Those are the only rules I could think up at the moment... So I'll just place the application for characters. Application Name: Gender: Age: (Preferably 14-19) Birthday: Appearance: Ultimate Title: (Doctor, Hairdresser, Hip-Hop Dancer, Florest, Basist, Drummer, Track Runner... Can be anything really!) Personality: Likes: Dislikes: Simple BackStory: (It can be short, I believe the characters backstory can be expressed during the roleplay, so keep some surprises!) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Example: Name: Himiyo Koroko Gender: Female Age: 16 Birthday: March 18th Appearance: [IMG]http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/144/a/d/dangan_ronpa_oc__charlotte__after_despair__by_no_fear_i_am_here-d7jkirf.png[/IMG] Ultimate Title: Ultimate Darts Pro Personality: Himiyo is kind of selfish and untrusting at times. She mostly looks out for herself and other girls. She doesn't particularly enjoy the company of males and tends to tease them any chance she gets. She's not unwilling to help others out but she can be very impatient and abit foulmouthed and rude. Because of her eye patch she has become half blind and sometimes has issues reading. Being the stubborn girl she is, Himiyo rarely asks for help from others. Likes: Sweets, Darts, Flowers, Teasing People, The Beach. Dislikes: Being Bored, Spicy Food, Perverts, Losing. Simple BackStory: Himiyo comes from a family of traditional Japanese restaurant owners. This feels distasteful to Himiyo, as she would prefer to do anything [b]but[/b] serve food and alcohol to drunk men all day. The family expected a lot from her though, that she would pull her own weight and take on the restaurant. But this was not the future Himiyo had in mind. Sometimes she would play darts with the customers, betting and wiping the floor with them. Infact, one of the old geezers suggests she sign up for a tournament. It was during this tournament that Himiyo made her big break away from the restaurant and found her true skill and passion. Competitive dart games, easy, fun and she gets to mop the floor with boys. During her famed tourney, she had a [b]accident[/b] and lost her right eye... Even with only half of her sight left, she demolished the competition. Earning her the rightful title of 'Ultimate Darts Pro' That'll probably end up being my character anyway ahaha. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'll also be controlling these lovely two: [Url=https://warosu.org/data/cgl/img/0073/25/1390590416882.jpg]Monomi[/Url] [Url=http://www.cosplayisland.co.uk/files/costumes/7103/77593/CI_77593_1366323045.png]Monokuma[/Url] Well, I hope to get some people interested! And this is my first time running a Roleplay, so if anybody would like to help, I'd greatly appreciate it! <3