Lil bit of a heads up; I live in a UTC+8 time zone, so my waking hours are often vastly different from most people so my posts may be a little infrequent at least in your day. Imagine having lived in darkness, living in a world full of unknown voices, plagued by monstrous creatures that only you can see, having your body stolen from you time and time again, having each day spent in a delirious drug filled haze, strapped down for your 'own good'. Abandoned by hope and any chance at redemption the moment you were born, left behind by those who were supposed to be the closest to you. By your own sanity. Until....the day you wake up in your room, not your hospital bed, not the padded walls of your cell nor the cold steel of your solitary confinement. An actual bedroom, with walls full of things that you might have collected as a child if you had a childhood. The world seems clearer, brighter. It makes sense. Perhaps that horrible nightmare was really just a nightmare. Or perhaps not. There exists many underground projects, some under the government and others not. One of them seemed to have made the breakthrough of the century, but test subjects are scarce. That's why they've taken you. Someone that no one will miss. They couldn't have insane delusional monsters running around though, so of course they had to do a few adjustments. The trade is simple. Your sanity for your humanity. The mind of a person for the body of a monster. Though as sane as you are now, it doesn't mean they're going to treat you any better than guinea pigs. Insanity isn't so easily stopped either and sometimes, it's more dangerous than you think. Would you turn back to it? It's sort of a mish-mash of science and a bit of possible fantasy if not delusion. Ah, anyway, basically a group of mental patients are 'cured' and given powers of mutations, it's free range on that as long as it's not overpowered. For as overpowered a power, the greater the weakness or strain of using it. I don't want no damn Mary or Gary sues ruling the world. I'm looking for test subjects and anyone willing to play the scientists at the place, maybe some who grow to pity these new strange beings. Not gonna lie, it's all very physiological, surreal. Ah, I'm no good with words, did I bore you ? If anyone is still alive and interested, you know what to do. Now looking for more scientists.