Unfortunately the description by the German Champion didn't give much for Hedy to wonder about and stuck with her squid for the discussion. She agreed with Kartals' sympathy when she agreed, "Yeah it kind of sounds like a tough thing to break to others." She managed to internally sigh when she decided, "Aw darn. Doesn't really give much to go off of. Hm... Maybe I'll have to find out what Mr. Dane's perspective is." As soon as she heard about the popularity ranking system she took out her own cellphone and checked her own position. Predictably the German Champion was fairly high up on the list but Hedy found herself at a pretty respectable position. "Oh yeah I'm up there!" She turned to her friends asking none of them in particular, "Do you think if I make a few more victories I'll be more recognized? Or do you think there's something a bit more involved to make increases?"