"Heh, let's do this." Shen said as he saw the black steel monstrosity appearing down below. Without further hesitation, he stepped off the edge of the building, falling several yards before catching himself on a big rusty pipe that creaked and screamed under his weight. From there, he pushed off against the wall, launching himself across the gap between this building and the next. A few floors lower, he landed on the concrete roof of the shorter building, unharmed due to his superhuman physiology. Against a foe that could tear down buildings, it’d be wise not to both be standing on the same one. In fact, if Shen could pull the monster’s attention to himself, perhaps the other man would be able to flank it. It seemed like a more viable plan than attacking the demon straight-on and hoping to get through its armor. Thus, he turned to the nearest [url=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/90/Rooftop_Packaged_Units.JPG]rooftop unit[/url] and, with a little effort, tore it loose from its platform. He then lifted the heavy steel box above his head, moved to the edge of the roof and flung it down towards Diabolus. It wouldn’t harm the beast, he had no illusions about that, but it might be enough to get its attention.