[i][u] - Dani - [/i][/u] Dani took a deep breathe and closed his eyes. [i]Come on, Zivon. Don't make me do this.[/i] Dani thought with a sigh. But it seemed like Zivon was [i]really[/i] not having a good day. [i]Well, here goes nothing...[/i] Dani disappeared. He reappeared into Zivon's brain, and started hammering Zivon's brain with thoughts of kitty fur balls, icecream, friends, sunshine, cozy naps, and other comforting things in hopes of changing the course of his friend's thoughts. Of course, the panicking boy probably wouldn't even notice Dani was there. The only way anybody would notice they were being possessed was if they 1: Saw the spirit enter them, 2: realize the thoughts weren't their own, or 3: the spirit chose to let them know.