[center][u][i] - Annie - [/u][/i][/center] She grinned as Ryuu began to show signs of fear that slowly changed into excitement. Soon, the boy was falling toward her, a fist racing towards her face. The grin faded as she side stepped and grabbed Ryuu's wrist. She used his own strength to pull him around and throw him toward the wall. [b]"Strength is nothing if you don't know how to use it."[/b] She chided him, her hands on her hips. [b]"While using gravity to your advantage is good, it also leaves you vulnerable to more combat knowledgeable enemies. I'm not some street punk, I won't go down by strength alone."[/b] She continued, walking over to help Ryuu up. She pulled on his wrist and pulled him close to her face. [b]"Most fighting is a fight of wits. Who can out smart who. Strength is just the foundation on which you stand."[/b] She growled at him. A soft smile grew on her lips as she let him go and backed away a bit. [b]"Now. Try again."[/b] She told him, her hands held behind her back. [b]"What sort of move could you use to affect me? Surprise me."[/b] She continued, narrowing her eyes.