[quote=Pepperm1nts] A suggestion to players:Take the time to claim an OOC post where you can store all your treaties with links to the posts. Then save the link to that list for reference. I imagine most people will cut back on alliances and treaties considering how much trouble they caused in the last 1861, but it may still be helpful to keep a list of all the treaties you've made, for reference. That way we can check our treaties and make sure none of them contradict each other, and make sure that whatever you're planning on doing isn't in violation to any treaty you have signed.Dedonus did this in the last RP and it was pretty neat.That said, another thing the GMs may want to do is provide penalties for breaking treaties. Maybe make it so Prestige actually matters (somehow), and whenever someone breaks a treaty they get a Prestige hit dependent on the severity of the violation. [/quote] I think prestiege should matter on two levels dealing with NPC nations and a nation's tier level this reminds me of a question might a nation increase its tier level?