[hider=IT'S DONE!] "Faith is the blade of war." ///////Name: The Russian Hegemony //////Subject: Faction /////Location: Northern Russia "The Hegemon guides our hand, and that guidance makes us untouchable, heretical fool!" ////Government: The Hegemony is a theocracy, with a very, very simple administration system, based around the unquestioned leader of the Hegemony, the supposed God of War, the Hegemon. However, while there is an overarching control over the rest of the RH's territory, the control of an individual settlement is usually left to the locals, who follow their own governmental systems, while venerating the Hegemon, and sending the annual tithe of produced goods, and good soldiers However, each settlement usually has a large representative team of the Hegemony, called the Commisariat, along with a regiment of infantry, backed up by armor and artillery, to remove dissidence and protect the settlement, which are usually posted in a nearby base, and hidden from the people of the settlement. Then, these settlements are grouped together into "districts", with each district having around two corps of troopers defending it. The central government, while not taking too much of a role in actually governing individual settlements, they're quite involved in the defence of these settlements, and of course, tax collecting from these settlements, which are taken in the form of industrial products, agricultural products, raw products, and a tithe of soldiers. There are also a few overarching laws that have been issued by the Hegemon, that are absolute, and unchangeable by local governments. Such laws are few in number, but have so far been considered quite helpful, and therefore there isn't much chance of rebellion against these laws. Examples of these laws are: 1.) The Revival Plan Edict: The first edict that was created, the Revival Plan was drafted as soon as the Hegemon had consolidated his power, and it was created to increase productivity, and efficiency, as well as to make the Hegemony an even more formidable warmachine than it previously was. It is very to-the-point, and has totally thrown out any idea of population control, and actually demands that each man and woman to do her/his service for the Hegemon, and procreate as much as possible, with a single offspring being compulsory. Of course, one would consider this law hard to regulate, but the Commisariat, along with local policing, have made it effective to the point that local populations in each settlement, within the three most inner districts, have multpiled by two, although the lifespan has not increased, so the total population is only slightly higher than before. 2.) The Support Plan Edict: The second edict to be drafted up, and the first to be enforced amongst the conquered districts. It demands a specific quota of taxes from each and every settlement, although each settlement's quota is dependent upon its current state of being. Those inside a radiation zone without much food barely have to give any food produce, while those living outside the jungle, in fertile territory, have to give a significant amount of food produce. ///History: The Hegemony was forged in the fires of blood and destruction, and the conquest of a hundred savage tribes, started by a single, if above-human, man. The first records from the Hegemony speak of a large, seven and half foot tall man emerging from a "capsule of ice", discovered by an expedition by the tribe from the current capital city of the Hegemony. The man spoke in an outdated form of Russian, and spoke to the leaders of the expedition, then demanded he be brought to the leader of the tribe. Upon doing so, he demanded control of the tribe, and when he was refused, he challenged him, and every single other official in the tribe to single combat. He allowed every single one of his opponents to take whatever weapon, and he fought them all with his bare fists, and killed them all. He was effectively in control of the tribe, and he immediately began to make use of his new position. Within the next forty years, the tribe turned into an organized guerilla army and state, and focused itself on conquering every single nation that surrounded it, and successfully as well. They formed heavy industry, and an economy, by salvaging the remnants of the Old World, the Russian Federation, and then putting whatever they could find to use. But, the Hegemony would have stagnated, due to its nature of dislike against education, had it not been for the discovery of a single Order of men and intelligentsia, the Mentors. The Mentors were assimilated into the Hegemony secretly, through negotiations led by only the Hegemon himself. After their assimilation, they handled all the complex education and advancement of technology, at first not so much, but a decade after their assimilation, the Mentors were the diplomats, the heads of industry, and the men who worked along with the Hegemon at the top of the government. However, technological advancement of any sort was slow, due to the rate at which the recovery of intact and uncorrupted Old World data was being discovered, and heavy industry was slogged by its dependence on human, manual labour. All this changed after the Holy Relicship, the first Hegemony used space ship, broke orbit. The Relicship had been an extremely old spaceship discovered in an old silo, inside one of the many heavily radiated Deathzones, which had been nursed back to health as a method of deploying some space infrastructure. This launch was detected by the Martians, who then came into the picture, with a treaty for an alliance in mind, changing everything. //Culture: The Hegemony is a very diverse, and large state, with no proper culture. Most settlements have their own, unique culture, but some settlments that were either ruled together, or banded together to make an alliance can share such a culture. But, there is definitely one uniting factor. The worship of the Hegemon, the God of War and Man, who protects all who see his might and divinity, and the power of violence, which has been a part of the average Russian's life for centuries now, and has ironically slowed after the Hegemon took over, and not the other way around. Tribalism was also a maor part of the Russian culture, but now is almost irrelevant after the Hegemony's takeover. /Technology: Tech for the Hegemony is confusing at best, due to loss of data over the years, and therefore is extremely different from most others. While other nations would have improved, or at least Solar War level tech, the Hegemony has a very inconsistent level of tech, with many sciences having degrading to a very large part. For example, the most widespread weapon at the time is the IS-32, a Solar War version of the AK-47, mass produced due to it's easiness of creation for the industry, while the most used tank in the Hegemony is the railgun-totting Titan's Wrath, which is a crude and maintenance-high, but effective creation of the Hegemony. Then, when you go to the science of medicine, beyond the halls of the Hegemon and the Mentors, it is absolutely piss-poor in condition, with high powered anti-biotics only just coming back into play, thanks to the help of Mars, against bacteria that have been resistant against all but the most powerful of anti-biotics for centuries. However, the tech is not unavailable because of there being a lack of knowledge about it, it's because of the lack of knowledge about how to make it, due to the corruption of data-slates and quantum computing lines over the centuries. http://i.imgur.com/3JfeX9L.png http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100617185012/warhammer40k/images/0/01/CatachanHeavyWeapons.jpg http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/255/6/a/contact___power_armor_minigun_by_shimmering_sword-d2yjzsr.jpg http://cdn.desktopwallpapers4.me/wallpapers/digital-art/1920x1080/2/16168-soldiers-with-gas-masks-1920x1080-digital-art-wallpaper.jpg http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/8c/Comparison_of_Landkreuzer_P_1000_Ratte%2C_Maus_and_Tiger_tanks.png http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/ef/P1500macedon.jpg/300px-P1500macedon.jpg http://minimumwagehistorian.files.wordpress.com/2012/11/russian-future.jpg http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-TqyuD1aEfuM/Tu-cqRT4e7I/AAAAAAAACsI/Y9Y4jfmryaA/s1600/blaze+orange+daryl+mandryk+concept+art+soldier+exo+suit+combat+armor+mech+mecha+blaster+laser+rifle+gun+cannon+snow+warrior+sci+fi.jpg http://media.moddb.com/images/mods/1/16/15914/Mavor_update_v3.jpg http://i.imgur.com/2Ag7yB3.jpg [/hider] The images will be organized soon. I don't really care too much for the images