[hider=Mori, The Loner]Name: Moirai (Also Known as Mori) Age: Mori has been Alive for a very long time. It assumed that he been on the earth since it was created when Gaia or whoever created earth, also created him. Gender: He prefers to be called a guy. Appearance: [url=https://38.media.tumblr.com/9b0c2b0a2f9d50fe563c762119607002/tumblr_nb503wFRnR1sqhrd0o1_500.jpg]My Human Form[/url] --- Personality: Mori is always uncertain; always doubting himself as he walks everywhere on earth. His confidence and appearance is often said that they aren't worthy of being considered 'god' status. And is so, discarded to the side most of the time; being the loner of gods and the strangest as well who is always questioning things. His often rambling are about what happened in the past, whats happening now and what is to come in the future. When he isn't being judged by the gods and their picky-ness, Mori is always humble to others and himself. He is always considered himself to be shy to people even mortals who have seen him and doesn't talk often. He simply observes and observes before he decides to do anything. This might be because he is always never confident about himself and is always doubting himself/ --- Motivation: Mori often has no motivation for anything is true honesty. His desire and passion is to see what happens everyday and to live with them as the come and go enjoying those moments in the time while he can. And then watch them go... If he did had to pick something to be his motivation it would be that everything would be in order and no chaos would happen. Of course evilness will remain but nothing to disorderly like the... titans or anything. --- Likes and Dislikes: Mori is often a neutralist person who might support for war and then the next day support for peace. On godly matters, he doesnt really care much of them as he hates to deal with them anyways. Also politics are also a hassel to Mori in the human world, similar to the conflict the gods often had it was too similar between the two so he often wishes to avoid that a well. But in order to know Mori its best to see what he is like when he alone and by himself but his hobbies that he likes may give you and insight on what he likes to do when no one is around. That is when he will actually be calm enough to do things that he likes to do, which is quite interesting when you are comparing him to the other gods, which is quite entertaining at times. A often hobby of his is photography of the human world, an interesting thing indeed as most gods dont partake in anything humans might do. His photography skills are above average you might say considering his time that he had to hone it. Another hobby that was artistic was his interest to sketch and draw. Drawing the scenery around him and making everything froze in time on a simple piece of paper was fascinating to him as he often did it, carry around a book in case a strike of creativity. --- Origin/Bio: Mori is a confusing thing born when the planet Earth was created as well. A mystery that surrounds him quite that is most often disregarded as a false rumor by the other gods, due to Mori's being not so impressive for a rumor. But if you try to research anything about when Mori was born/created then you'll mostly find nothing due to the fact that he been off the radar for a long time. He does occasionally pop out but due to extreme events which causes massive disorder and chaos to all the realms. So its often speculated that Mori is a god of chaos of some sort, which is entirely wrong... In true fact, Mori is actually a God of Fate, one who foresees the future. A position quite unexpected from a lowly person like Mori which makes it quite more disbelievable to the gods. So anything they hear of Mori's origin is mostly consider to be a stupid story or a false rumor by many.But pushing aside what the god thinks, Mori is a God of Time a really old one in fact, and was here from the beginning of the creation of earth. Capturing the events for the gods at the time to review their progress and see what they would continue next to create. During those times, he had two of his brothers helping him with the recording of the creation of what earth is today. But when that was done, the three of them weren't needed anymore and were discarded. His two brothers had died off somehow during the ages, which he doesn't remember but all he has to look forward then was the future and now he still is. But now that time has been long gone, and now here he is alone by himself with no one to remember him from that time... Always looking forward and never back... --- Oath: He has given a Oath to Chronos; one the stronger gods of time that he is to wonder Earth to make sure that nothing tampers with the sands of time. That is so that everything is to remain on track and be derailed by a third party. If anything happens then it part of Mori's responsibility to help fix what caused the problem and fix what ever that was damaged. His payment for this oath is artifact which informs him of whenever a problem happening in the godly realm and his help is needed. The artifact also has some other small uses as well. --- Abilities and Possessions: Physical Form: 2 Mastery of Magic: ((5)) - Animus Domain: 1 Souls: 0 Supernatural beings: 1 Artifacts: 1 Vessel Creation: 0 [/hider] [hider=Chrono's Artifact] [img=http://www.steampunkemporium.com/store/media/003836/003836_01.jpg] Name: Chrono's Miniature Hourglass Description: A unique little artifact that God of Time Chrono can make is this small hourglass which is a means of communication to his 'guards'. This artifact is made out of brass and looks like it can measure up to Two to Three seconds of time if flipped. The Brass Hourglass has a little keychain which can be attached onto anything and made it look more modern to fit in with society. Now Mori is one of the holders of these hourglasses and has it on him often as he has nothing to do but wonder the Earth for anything . Abilities: Communication(Telepathy/Basic)- The Hourglass Chrono has made was enchanted to allow basic communication between the wielder and creator of the artifact. The most that can be said with this kind of communication is at most a sentence or two(Around 12 words). When communication takes place, the sands inside the hourglass start to swirl around inside making it fun to watch. Sense Magic(Basic)- A additional thing was added into the Hourglass upon creation, was the ability to sense magic. A very primitive level of it but somewhat useful to a degree. This object can sense any strong or power magic being used or leftover, around the owner in a [4-8 ft distance] away and if it sense magic it will start to vibrate or shake a little. If taken off and placed anywhere near a magical source of anywhere under 2 feet of the owner it glows a very dull faint light blue color as well as shaking. Pretty useful huh? [/hider]