Name: Empyron Age: Three hundred years old Gender: Male Appearance: [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] Personality: He has a deep obsession and fascination for power, wisdom, and knowledge. He wishes to serve others but also grow himself in honor. He is highly involved in the attainment of knowledge and deeper meanings, and loves to share his knowledge. Personally he is compassionate and generous. He may not always give someone what they want but he leaves people feeling as if he cares. Motivation: Titles are of second importance to Empyron. He wishes to be so powerful no one will want to mess with him. That way he can help people from being over ran with superior but malevolent monsters. He doesn't tolerate evil, especially blatant rebellion against benevolent authority. Although authority is of secondary importance to him as well. Honor comes in many forms, from respecting authority, to just recognizing and accepting people as who they are, and loving them, having patience with them despite their faults. Likes and Dislike: He doesn't respect cruelty or wickedness. Especially wanton sadism. He loves self-sacrifice and hopes to establish orderly, peaceful societies who excersize mercies for mild or moderate offenses against the Law. A Japanese person of a few centuries ago would see him as even a more respectful and kind ruler than Ieyasu Tokugawa. (That's saying something, as when they moved to Tokugawa the people saw him as a better option than any previous ruler among the three known rivals for the Shogunate. (Nobunaga, Tokugawa and Takeda). He tends to strongly disapprove on the persecution of any one, even for the purposes of holding order. Origin/Bio: He is still very young by his own rac'es standards, it's as if he had just reached eighteen. He had somehow inherited a very strong ability to grow through age much faster than any monster of his race, the Horned Dragon. He is three hundred years old but he is as powerful as someone who is far more than five thousand years old. Oath: Barely after achieving his current Status, Empyron has an Oath directly from the source of all magic to watch after him and guide him in mystical matters. He has made an Oath in return to preserve magic and keep it in the universe. As long as it exist there is a chance that it came become enormously powerful. Abilities and Possessions: (Magic) Physical Form: Although he's an adult, he's extremely physically small and frail for someone of his race. 2 Mastery of Magic: 5 Animus Domain: 2 Souls: 1 generic Supernatural beings: Like souls, but instead creatures of legend. May cross over into Souls with supernatural heroes who are of inhuman origin, in which case that hero may be signed up on either field. Spend points here to obtain medusas, hellhounds, demons, vampires, werewolves, spirits and other such creatures to serve your cause. This ability, as well, may need to be discussed to reach an agreement. Artifacts: Vessel Creation: