Jesus Christ am I hung over :punch Ollum, great bio. The Roman07, I like the concept! Of course there's an issue of speed; having to draw symbols all the time isn't the most convenient thing. I'm not sure about the blood thing, though. In the Shadowrun universe, blood magic is elusive and inevitably corrupts the magician who uses it. We can totally go with that, but it might be simpler to replace the blood with something else. What do you think? Lord Pie: Oh, totally! Street sams are probably the most common since buying your way to speed and strength is a relatively easy way to become a good fighter. But there's a plethora of other ways to do it. You might wanna consider the Huge Troll Bounty Hunterâ„¢, armed with a big ol' shotgun and an arsenal of grenades. Or maybe an ex-military character, burned out by the horrors of combat, finding use for his combat experience and tactical skills as a shadowrunner.