[img=http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_hQbBDd77ado/TUJS8vOcmnI/AAAAAAAAABc/1l2ft_gzBjI/s1600/ChinaQingDynastyFlag.png] [b][u]Quote from the Qing Emperor, stating is opinion on the Confederacy[/u][/b] I can not currently bother myself with the affairs overseas. I have more pressing matters to worry about within my own country. We have finally gained the upper hand over the longhairs! I do not wish to see anybody's attention averted elsewhere, when we need all eyes on our own army! Soon, they will begin their great march, to end this petty rebellion once and for all! Yet all anyone seems to be talking about is the affairs in America. It is as if they do not even realize that the exact same thing has happened here, in their own home! Just as the Confederacy in America has torn their nation, the longhairs do the exact same here. However, I know that until I speak of America, none of you will return your gaze to China. So I have no choice but to give you my opinion. As a fellow leader forced to feel the waves of sorrow that are brought on by ordering my people to kill their own for the sake of unity and peace, I can and will not support the existence of this Confederacy, lest I become a hypocrite for not supporting such rebels within my own country. Civil war is a nasty thing. But it's existence is the nations way of telling you that something is wrong. It takes something major to force friends, neighbors and brothers to become enemies. I can not support people who turn on their own people, whether it is overseas, or here, in our own home. If you expected any other response from me, you were sadly mistaken. Now cease your questions, and allow me to return my attention where it is needed. I have already wasted enough time.