Nona grinned at Aemilia’s summation of her sister, their combined smirks looking like two rather mischievous children who would never get caught. She glanced at the perfumes her friend was looking at and shook her head. [b]”Oh Jasmine is your scent Aemilia. Few others would wear it as it’s so bold, but you would carry it perfectly. And stand out. I, however… think I will try for the rose scent. It is strongest so it should win me a little prize for later,”[/b] she said, ignoring the perfume dealer’s raised eyebrow and paying him with a haughty look, pocketing the bottle. Although Nona had not cheated on Crispus in any way since their union, the thought got more tempting every day. After all, he had his fun, why couldn’t she just to spite him? And whatever love she’d thought they had was dismal at best. She would show him, and get what she wanted in the process.