Looking to get into a roleplay or two. Read below and if you're interested, shoot me a message. [b]What I'm looking for...[/b] - Decent writing skills. - At least 1 - 2 paragraphs per post, more is welcomed! - Communication, if you're not liking where the story is going, or things are getting hectic in your life and you need a break, let me know. - 2 - 3 posts per week. - Maturity [b]About myself...[/b] - Roleplayer for 3 years. - Moderate writing skills, I'm still working on my skills but I should be able to satisfy. - I'm usually free every weekday, so I can post at least once each day. - I can roleplay multiple characters in a plot if needed. [b]What I don't like...[/b] - Black and white characters, I enjoy complex characters, although I am still learning to make better characters myself. - Drawn/Planned out plots, I like excitement, surprise, suspense, I am open to realistic twists in the story as it goes on. - Slow moving plots. Alright, now lets get into the fun part, the roleplays! [b]Prominent Theme...[/b] Male x Male romance with mature scenes, with an interesting conflict/story (not a plot based just on the mature bits). [b]Plots...[/b][i](underlined = character I prefer to play)[/i] I'm just going to write out a simple plot description, [u]open to any ideas you may have as well[/u]! [u]Human[/u] x Vampire A vampire runs away from his high ranking, cult-like family and must find his own place to live. He finds a room for rent in an artist's apartment, who needs the extra cash. The plot consists of the vampire hiding his secret from his roommate, dealing with his vampiric family trying to find him, and figuring out how to handle his new feelings for his roommate. This not inspired by twilight, it will have more realistic and heavy themes.