Lieutenant Yuzuki bowed deeply before her Captain. “Captain Akimoto,” she greeted. “Lieutenant Ueshima,” he nodded his head back at her. She was glad he was back. It was clear more internal and Reiryoku-based damage had occurred during his fight with the Vasto Lorde. She was surprised it took him a whole week to recover, but she’d known him to suffer such injuries before. Perhaps it was miraculous it only took a week. The train of thought was on a short track, however, since she was determined to get back to business. “The higher seated officers have been drilling the lower seats vigorously. Many of the lower seats have been stations throughout the Rukongai sooner than expected. The Academy seems to be doing well enough without you.” He looked at the stacks of paper on his desk and sighed. “It’s not like the Academy doesn’t hear from me or that I don’t have a hand in their goings-on,” he said, touching one of the stacks with his index finger that was designated to be from the Academy. He also thought that Yuzuki was one to discipline hard if one wasn’t training down to their bones. He figured they were afraid of her going to the bone and thought it better for their help if they did it themselves. “Any urgent matters I should know about?” he asked plainly as he scanned across his desk while sitting in his chair. “During the past week, Captain-Commander Kaito has been attempting to gain access to the relics of the Noble Houses. Rumors say it’s been largely unsuccessful due to your most recent success on the battlefield.” He looked at her with cold eyes. He’d failed protecting Captain Nakahara, and he’d resented her calling the Rukongai a battlefield. She spoke most plainly, and this was usually quite harsh. But there were times she’d cross the line into offensive and unfeeling. She knew when this was because of the look he’d give her, when usually he’d just brush it off or accept it. She didn’t flinch from the glare, for she was far too strong-willed for that, but she looked down and walked toward her own desk across from his. Akimoto went through the “Noble” stack on his desk. It was, understandably, quite a short stack considering he didn’t have much to do with the Houses themselves. If it wasn’t for his Dojo and relations with the Yukihiro House, the stack would be non-existent. There was a personal letter to him. Only Isao-dono would send formal letters. It detailed the numbers of his own ranks and how they were progressing well enough in that he, personally, felt little need to break his own code and submit to using his Sensou no Me. Regardless of the fact that it was most appropriate and, arguably, imperative that he use it, his own pride made it so he couldn’t be coerced to use it even with a blade at his throat. It wasn’t the first time the man’s pride hindered the health and progress of the Gotei, but Akimoto hadn’t the mind or lack of ethics to bring this up to his long-time friend. He began to scrawl out a letter to the Seventh Division containing only the basic information concerning Yuzuki Isao’s stance on the matter of his Family Relic. Akimoto would have been surprised if Captain Nakamura was able to get a face-to-face meeting with the head. Assuming success in this matter, he went on with his own personal opinion on the matter. He wrote “Personally, I would be surprised to see Yuzuki Isao-dono to submit to using the Sensou no Me. I believe the way in which we could hope to obtain it is through the Central 46 considering our restricted authority over the Noble Houses.” He flung the paper over his desk and across the room to Yuzuki. He used his Reiatsu to keep it aloft without burning the parchment. This was merely a test that he could control his Reiatsu as easily than before the battle. His body still felt sore, almost numb, when using Reiatsu in such a way. He didn’t know whether to work through it or listen to the Fourth Division and keep from using his Reiatsu unnecessarily for the rest of the month. “Please copy that and send it to Captains Nakamura and Matsuoka.” He figured the two had already begun plans to go above Isao’s head, but Akimoto’s “permission” would have given them more cause to pursue further. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ “Ah, Yasu-chan, please come closer.” The Captain-Commander’s voice was old and hollow but still had traces of softness and gentleness. She was referred to as “Grandmother” or “Sobo” for good reason. “As you know the Seventh Division quite closely, I was wanted your opinion on appointing your Lieutenant, Saito Hiroko, to the position of Seventh Division Captain. I know times are difficult, dear, but the lack of the Tenth and Twelfth Captains has put much strain on us already.” She paused to breathe and take a sip of her tea. “I understand she has a talent for organization and also problem-solving. I’ve read all her accomplishments and her capabilities and am impressed. I’ve discussed this with the Central 46 and they have agreed to expedite the process of ascending to Captain with your expressed permission.” She smiled her old and wrinkly smile.